Mondays are the worst

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It's Monday which means school is now open again. The Government still insists I go to the school because the danger for the students is too high. However they said I no longer need to be undercover because everyone knows now. They just want me to stay to look out for the kids. Unfortunately I still have to go to each of the classes I would have before. On the plus side I don't need to do any work.

As you can tell now that I am pregnant the guys aren't going to let me go anywhere near the building alone. So the officials allowed one person to join me at a time. A schedule was quickly made and everyone knows when they need to be with me. I keep insisting I don't need anyone but they always disagree.

As I walk in the gates an hour before the students arrive with Yoongi, I visit all the teachers. I give them all my emergency number if there is ever another 'situation'. I'm so glad that Jungkook's team where able to get rid of the blood smell. Yoongi is constantly holding my hand as I walk through the halls. He can tell I'm still on edge.

We leave to the near by safe house while the students start to arrive so I don't scare them too much. It's the middle of morning tutor and I should be there. I kiss Yoongi goodbye and leave with Tae. As we approach my tutor room I remind him to make his gun tucked in his trousers less obvious so he doesn't freak everyone out. I hug him and we enter together.

Everyone fell silent. You could tell they were scared. I waved at them all and me and Tae sit at the back. We can hear them start to whisper things and Tae is already getting slightly agitated. Before he could yell at some of them, the teacher called my name.

'Y/N, I believe you wanted to say something to the class.' 'Ah yes... um I just wanted to answer a few of the questions I know you guys have. So... yes I was undercover as a student... yes I remember how you treated me before you knew who I really was, yes I will be taking that into consideration in how I treat you now *evil smile* ... I am hear to protect you all and by now you should know that I will try to do my best but I won't be able to if you get in my way. So in conclusion stay out my way and we won't have a problem! Ok?'

The room remained silent as they nod and the bell rings. They all ran out quickly and I follow. Me and Tae leave to go to my first class which was science. By now the word had spread about me and almost everyone was crowding around wanting my autograph. I carry on walking and feel Tae's hand on my back. We finally reach the classroom after pushing our way through and I can tell he is uneasy. I can see in his eyes that he thinks it's dangerous for me to be here. I hold his hand and reassure him. We move to our seats...

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