what have I done

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"Is Mike a good kisser?" Max asks Eleven who smiles at the question "I don't know he's my first boyfriend" Max interrupts her "Ex boyfriend" Eleven looks away from Max as she puts her hand on her shoulder "don't worry he's probably crying saying I hope she takes me back or something like that" Eleven smiles softly "to bad we don't know if he is" Max says and Eleven has an idea she rushes to turn the radio to static and grabs her blind fold "what you doing?" Max asks her as Eleven sits on the ground and puts the blindfold on "seeing if he is".

Eleven enters her void an image of Mike laying on the floor appears as she gets closer she sees blood on the floor.

She rips the blindfold off "what did you see?" Eleven begins to cry "we have to go to Mike" Max knew there was something wrong so she didn't object and just followed Eleven.

They both knock on the Wheeler door its answered by Karen "calm down, what do you want?" "Where Mike?" Eleven asks franticly "in the basement" without a second thought they run to the basement and down the stairs to see Mike in a big pool of blood Eleven drops to her knees as she attempts to hear his heart beat.


His heart best was weak "go get him mum to call 911" Max runs off to as she is told.

Eleven cries as she holds Mike's head on her lap hugging him "M Mike h hold on, for me" Eleven couldn't handle seeing Mike like this.

They where ment to protect each other but Eleven did the opposite when she dumped him, she hurt him deeply, Mike loves Eleven to the point were he couldn't live without her and when she dumped him, he took it hard for the first hour he cried curled up in a ball but he couldn't take the pain the hole in his heart too big to go on.

He decided to break his dads razor and took one of the blades back to the basement and with a heavy heart he began cutting.

The blade touching his skin with each swipe left a bloody trail and the pain of it normally to great but this time the pain felt good.

He kept cutting and cutting untill he passed out the last thing heard was before going completely unconscious was " M Mike h hold on, for me".

The ride to hospital for Eleven was a torture she couldn't stop blaming her self for what she saw Mike on the ground covered in blood, long cuts on his left arm.

She couldn't stop thinking what if he dies I would lose the boy I love the most and its my fault.

She just cried in Karen's arms in the waiting room "I its m my fault" Karen couldn't help but wonder why she thought this "its not your fault dear" Eleven just shakes her head "but it is, I dumped him" she admitted and Karen thought she didn't hear correctly but she did "why, I thought you loved him" Eleven thought the same thing, I love him why did I dump him.

"I do love him, Max told me to dump him because he lied" Karen breaths out a sigh "I can tell you love him very much and true love is hard to come by, so don't waste it and listen to people who don't know what real love is" Eleven smiled softly at her words.

A Doctor comes into the waiting room "Karen Wheeler" they both get up and  follow him to a room.

They walk in to see Mike attached to a blood bag  still unconscious they both walk up to the bed.

Mikes face was pale almost like a ghost and Eleven couldn't take it she wanted it to all be over.

For him to be ok, for him to hold her in his arms, for them to be back together.

She couldn't think he would want to be with her after this and if he wakes up, she was ready for rejection.

but before he wakes up Eleven wanted to feel like this never happened that she never dumped him as Karen sat in the chair beside the bed Eleven gestured for her to get on the bed and Karen nodded smiling.

As Eleven climbed in his arms she felt complete she placed his arm around her and leaned into his chest holding his hand.

It would be hours till Mike woke up and neither Karen or Eleven moved from their spots.

Hearing grunts Eleven opened her eyes to see Mike looking at her she tries to get up but felt Mikes arms strain against it "don't go, please" he says his voice soft.

She layed back down on his chest listening to his steady heart beat "I'm sorry" Eleven finely comes out with and couldn't help but start crying "El you have nothing to be sorry for" she let more tears escape her eyes "I I broke your heart" Eleven was shocked at the next thing Mike says "you hurt me but what is love without a little hurt"

The word love was what stuck out to her.

He still loves her after everything he still loves her.

"Y you still love me" Mike smiles at her and holding her tighter "yes I do love you El, I love you more then anything" he brought his lips to hers and kissed her a spark running through them both like they had just being struck by lighting.

They stop and gaze into each others eyes getting lost in them before laying back down "I love you too" Eleven says feeling better then ever before.

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