That smile

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Elevens smile was Mikes favourite thing about her thats why he would always try and make her smile.

But when she ended the relationship with him, her smile went with it.

Max could tell she wasn't happy and even tho she didn't like Mike much  he made Eleven happy.

Max felt guilty about making them split up because her best friend was sad, she wanted to do something about it.

So she went to Mikes house and knocked on the door, it was answered by Karen.

"Hello Maxine, what you doing here"

"I'm here to see Mike"

"Good luck trying to he won't come out of his room" Max felt more guilty, she didn't know it was this bad.

"Ok, I'll give it ago"

She made her way up stares and came face to face with Mikes bedroom door.

Max knocked "Mike, its Max can you open the door?"

"Piss off"

Max was shocked that she heard him say that.

"No, I've come to take you to Eleven"

"You can fuck off with that, she doesn't care about me she broke my heart" If Max knew Mike would be like this she would of never interfered with their relationship.

"Ok dip shit listen up, since you two have split shes being sad like really sad, she doesn't want to hang out anymore, for god sake Mike she doesn't smile anymore. And I'm sorry for making her dump you, just please come with me" by the end Max shed some tears.

A few moments later the door opens to reveal Mike whos face was covered in dry tear stains and his eyes blood shot.

"You made her do that" Max just nodded not wanting to say anything.

After she nodded Mike flashes out the door on his way to Eleven leaving Max behind.

Mike knocked on the door of the Hopper residence and it was answered by Eleven, her face shocked to see her ex of whom she still loves and to see him in the state he was in made her cry.

"El, I know that Max told you to dump me, and I know you regret it, can we just get back together please its being killing me not having you-" he was cut off by Eleven kissing him cupping his cheeks.

They part and Mike could see her smile, the smile he loves so much that it made him smile.

"Yes, I've missed you Mike more then you could know"

They embrace each other in a hug "I'm never going to lose you again, your just to important for me to lose" Eleven said hugging him tighter loving the feeling of his body on hers.

"I love you,El more then you could ever know"

Mike could feel her smile and that was all he wanted, for her to smile for it was so beautiful.

"I love you too, Mike"

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