Can't I move on

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Mike was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital with Lucas, Max, Will and Eleven.

The thought of Eleven gave him mixed emotions he was sad and angry because she dumped him but he knew  deep down that he still loved her but maybe it was time to move on, Eleven haven't shown any sign of regret over the break up so Mike thought maybe it was time to give up on her and move on.

As he was thinking a girl sat next to him, he looked at her she was cute.

Her hair was sort of curly and long, she had little chubby cheeks and green eyes.

She looked nervous almost like she was thinking about something untill she spoke.

"Hi I'm Rebekah" she said with a slight smile.

"I'm Mike" he says with a slight smile too.

"So what brings you to the hospital nothing to bad I hope" Mike laughs a little catching the attention of Eleven who was sitting quite a bit away next to Max, she looked at Mike and this girl and instantly got jealous.

"Just a check up on my Nana" he lied a little not being able to tell her the truth.

"How about you, if I may ask" Rebekah smiled "you may, I'm here because my brother hit his head a little bit to hard and my mum couldn't leave me home alone"

While the two where getting to know each other, Eleven was getting more jealous by the second but when she saw the girls hand go on Mikes arm after they laughed a little she was super jealous so she got up and marched her way over to Mike.

"So have you being in Hawkins long?" Mike asks her

"Well I've just moved here from Derry about 2 weeks ago" before Mike could say anything back Eleven grabs his face and kisses him but only a second passes before he pushes her off.

Eleven didn't know what to do, this was the first time Mike had done this and she was upset.

"What the hell!" Mike yelled making Eleven go back a little.

"Mike" Eleven whimpers but he was having non of it.

"No Eleven, you can't just do that, you can't just break up with someone and then when they try to move on stop them!"

He turned around to see that Rebekah was gone, he couldn't coupe being in the same room with Eleven anymore he stormed out of the hospital and went home leaving everyone shocked but Eleven felt like her whole life just fell apart in that moment.

"Did Mike just-" Max was about to say something but Eleven cut her off.

"Yeah" she said sniffing holding back tears.

Max hugs Eleven as she cried in her shoulder.

"Maybe this wasn't the best way to get back at him" Max says holding Eleven.

1 hour later

Eleven had just nearly died from being choked by Billy but luckily she kicked him in the face so hard he let go of her and she was able to throw him out a window, through the whole incident she was just worried about Mike.

Mike was her first love and still is, but without him Eleven felt like she was alone, like a peace of her was missing but she felt helpless to do anything about it.

Everyone was currently in Hoppers cabin and Eleven was trying to find the source of the Mind Flayer but she was getting distracted by the thought of Mike.

She hears a knock on the door of her bedroom and she takes off her blind fold "come in"

The door opens and Mike walks through and Eleven instantly looks at the floor, Mike sits beside her.

"I'm sorry" they both say in unison making both of them giggle.

Eleven looks at Mike and Mike looks at Eleven "I'm sorry for making you sad Mike and stopping you from moving on, I just got so jealous because I I I" Eleven couldn't get her words out but Mike knew what she was going to say.

"I know El, and I'm sorry for yelling at you I was just so angry and sad because for days you didn't look like you regretted it or anything and even tho I tried to move on it doesn't mean I don't love you, I love you so much that without you I feel empty"

Eleven grabs Mikes hand and squeezes it, Eleven locks eyes with Mike and they begin to get closer untill their lips meet.

Eleven puts her hands on his face to deepen the kiss she had missed this so much that she didn't want it to end.

But they had to part, Elevens hands still on Mikes face as they both smile softly at each other finally seeing each other happy.

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