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Zach didnt hold back and I refused to back down. No matter how beatup I felt, I didnt want him to see me as weak. He was angel, which meant that he would always be stronger and faster but I was determined to be his equal.

"Come on, human! Do better!" He yelled after landing a bone fracturing blow to my ribs. I bent over momentarily, giving my rib cage a quick prod to see if he actually did break one.

Finding all ribs intact I stood, suppressing a wince of pain and readying myself for his next attack. He came at me fast but i was ready and ducked blow the left hook he intended to land on me. I kicked leg out and swiped his from under him, relishing in the sound of him hitting the mat. I scrambled back to my feet knowing he would recover quickly. Before he could even straighten I was on him, landing blows to his ribs on pay back. I must have got him good with one punch. He let out a soft groan before retreating backwards to escape. The look he gave me could have killed. He was mad. As he always was when I managed to land more than a one hit. I smiled briefly and waited for his retaliation but none came. Instead he his eyes widened and he stood still. Looking at something over my shoulder. I turned and saw Samael standing inside the entryway of the gym. The glow in his eye, the glow that appeared whenever he felt a strong emotion, was intensely evident.

He stood like stone, for a fee moments before approaching. I struggled to catch my breath as I remembered that my tank would reveal all the black bruises on my arms and one on my chest. Bruises I had worked strategically to hide from him when he watched me at night. Not because I was worried Zach would get into trouble, but because I didn't want him to stop the training. He stopped in front of me, and in one analytical look his nostrils flared and his glow got brighter.

"Zach," the tone of his voice was dangerous.

"Yes, Archangel Samael?"

" I need you... to leave and do not cross my sight for at LEAST a week," he never took his eyes off of me as he spoke.

"Yes, sir" and with that Zach was leaving, in a hurried blur.

When the door closed, Samael closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. I crossed my arms and to a couple of steps back, feeling exposed and guilty that I caused drama for him. Caused his anger.

When he opened his eyes they still glowed but it wasn't as bright. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers over the bruise on my left shoulder first. Having dark skin had meant that bruises weren't so obvious most of the times. But Zach was strong and never held back.

Samael touched the bruise on my jaw next, it was fairly new and caused me to wince when he made contact. He took in a sharp breath through his teeth when I did and I felt even worse. Then he headed to the one one my chest. Just below my collar bone. His hand hovered over it before he dropped it and turned his back on me. I stated silent, not knowing what to say to appease him and not wanting to anger him more.

After a moment the silence was too much for me. "They're just bruises. They'll fade,"

He huffed out a dry laugh and said nothing more. I watched his broad back. The muscles definition I could see through his black tshirt was like he was carved from stone. I watched as they moved in sync with the deep breath he took and then he turned. Blazing blue eyes almost consumed by gold.

"Why did you hide this from me?" He asked. Voice low and almost a caress.

I sighed "I wasn't hiding..."

"Did you fear I would do something to Zach? Were you protecting him?"

It was my turn to laugh without humour. " I didn't want you to stop the training,"


"I feel like maybe that's what you would order or that he should lighten up. And I didnt want either,"

A ghost of a smile fluttered over his mouth but as i blinked it was gone. He stared at me until the gold in his eyes dimmed to a thin ring around his pupil.

"Your stubbornness will get you into trouble," he muttered. " We leave for Michael's realm at dawn. I need you to prepare for the trip -"

"We leave tomorrow?!" I was stunned. Not once had he mentioned that he was close to finishing the preparations for us leaving. "What about your... realm?"

"I have trained Angels and men to take care of things while we are away. Come, Rhea you need to pack and be given weaponry,"

I raised an eyebrow at the weaponry comment, "you trust me with weapons?"

He chuckled, "Are you gonna try and kill the devil?"

I fought to hold back a laugh but the smile on my face must have been the answer he was looking for as he turned and strode out of the room.

I followed feeling anxious of our journey ahead what we would discover once we reached Archangel Michael's realm. He was known for his ruthlessness to humans. How would he receive me. And with Samael. From what Samael told me of his and Michael's relationship they weren't exactly friendly.

Samael ordered me to pack light, only taking what would be necessary. Once we got to the weaponry room he gave me a gun, ammunition and a beautiful silver dagger. I marvelled at its intricate carving, how light it was and how it shone in the fluorescent light of the room. My admiration was only for a minute as he ushered me back to my room and ordered me to sleep. At that I simply rose an eyebrow and went to change in the bathroom. When I emerged he was in his usual position in the chair at the foot of my bed. I had since got pyjamas that were more fitting to me after bitching about the impracticality of sleeping in a too small ... thing.

"What if we were attacked?" I had said. " How am I supposed to fight off attackers when I'm focussed on my boob not popping out?!"

Samael had sighed and insisted that there would be little need for me to fight if he was there. He was right, but I continued to complain anyway and the next night I found a tank top and shorts laid out on the bed.

I got into bed and laid on my side watching Samael undoubtedly watching me. "Why do you stay here if you know I can't escape?" I asked.

He took a deep breath that I heard from my place. He was shrouded in darkness, the light of the moon barely lighting his long legs and hands resting on the arm rests. "As I said a thousand times... it's for your own protection," no further clarification was offered. It never was.

I sighed and snuggled further under my duvet and shut my eyes. I had grown use to his presence. Fond of it even. It came with a sense of safety that I loathed at first but had come to accept and be grateful for. "Shouldn't you sleep as well? Seeing as we are travelling so early? And your strained relationship with your brother might be taxing."

"I'll be fine. Go to sleep,"

I sighed in frustration but kept my eyes closed. Thoughts of Samael and his Archangel brothers kept me awake. What had it been like before he fell? Was he always on defense? Despised by the others and alone?

I dug deep into my mind to try and remember everything we had been told about Angels when I was young and then when I was training to be a ranger. Some things we had been told had been revealed to be myths or lies. Angels did feel and so did the Archangels, maybe more strongly than we did. And if that was true that would mean that Samael must have felt so lonely when he fell. Felt the rejection and hatred of his brothers deeply. Only to return and face it and fight for his right to be amongst Angels again.

"What do you think your brother will do? When he sees you?" I whispered to him. Eyes still closed.

The silence weighed heavy for a moment. Then he spoke, "I do wish you would sleep," his low voice gentle instead of beating. "I don't know what Michael will do. But for his sake... I hope he behaves."

I smiled to myself before making my mind go blank. Of course Samael wouldn't let anything deter him.

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