Easter Egg #3: Captain Murray's Brother

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Spoiler-free zone! Read on, frens.

Sometime after doing The War, we implemented a plot twist wherein Inspector Dickson was discovered to be Captain Murray's brother. They'd been separated at birth for obscure reasons and somehow ended up in two different countries. They had a joyous reunion (or, as joyous as two quite masculine and non-emotive guys can get), and it kinda stopped there.

Obviously, this is no longer factual.

However, writing Chapter 27 of The War, I decided to give a nod to the outdated canon.


"You speak of what you do not understand," said Captain Murray curtly. "If you are ordered to ride, you will ride. Furthermore, if your brother were chosen, you might be as far away from him as near him." He paused briefly.

"Nonetheless... I remember your words of greeting to me at times, though I had done nothing for you, nor did I ever hint at doing anything; yet still you greeted me with a strange friendliness. And I too once had a brother. I will see whether your brother may be considered, Mordred Kenhelm."


Not only does the phrase "And I too once had a brother" refer to the fact that I am an evil author who likes to put pain in my characters' pasts...

(because yes, Murray definitely had a brother when he was a shaggy-haired, dog-loving kid [because OBVIOUSLY he loved dogs, I don't know how I know but he just did], whom he was really close to, and who died at some point in their early teens in a way that I'm still hazy on)

... but also alludes to the fact that once upon a time, Murray did have a brother in the story.


Evil author out.

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