The Past and Pending (Ben Hargreeves x Reader): Part 5

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Warnings: None

Notes: I love protective Diego so much. Btw I'm thinking that this will be 10 chapters from what I have mapped out, but that could change.


January 2008

"Welcome to our humble abode!" Klaus exclaimed as he opened the front door, stepping aside to let Vanya and Diego through. Vanya held a small succulent and Diego carried a baseball bat. The latter made you raise an eyebrow, but Diego didn't really surprise you too much anymore. Ben stood next to you, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arm around your waist.

Vanya and Diego looked around the apartment, trying not to show their surprise. It was almost completely bare, save for a few pillows sitting on the living room floor. "Emphasis on the humble," Ben added with a small laugh.

"We know it's not exactly homey yet, but we're working on it." You gestured over to the pillows on the floor, some of which Klaus was now lounging on, seemingly talking with a spirit. "A couch is second on the list, right after real mattresses."

"Wow, this is a pretty nice apartment. How did you swing it?" Diego asked as he walked around, also doing a quick inspection of the windows. It was a fair question. Most teenagers wouldn't be able to get a place of their own so fast. You and Ben planned a bit ahead, making sure you had jobs waiting and some money tucked away. As for Klaus, the two of you were sure that his money wasn't being made legally, no matter how much he denied it.

"Well, it's not exactly in the best neighborhood, so that helped with the price. We're hoping for something in a better area in the future, but this will do for now." Ben shrugged.

"It's a good thing I got you guys this then." Diego presented Ben with the baseball bat, who propped it up against the counter. "In case of a break-in."

You chuckled. "Diego, you're sweet, but I think we'll be okay. Three people with abilities live here."

"Doesn't hurt to be prepared," Diego replied, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall.

Vanya finally spoke up. "And I got you guys something a little less...aggressive." She handed the succulent to you with a smile. "To help brighten up the place a bit."

With a grin, you carefully took it and set it on the kitchen counter. "Thank you, Vanya. It's perfect."

"You're welcome." Vanya began to shrink into herself even more now that she didn't have something in her hands.

You took her hand and led her over to where Klaus was sitting. "Come on, guys. Let's sit." Klaus relinquished one of the pillows so you could sit next to him. Ben took the other place next to you, then Vanya sat, and finally Diego, all in a circle.

Klaus went to light a cigarette, but you smacked his arm lightly. "No smoking in the apartment, remember?"

"Yes, Mom," He sighed exaggeratedly he walked over to the window and went out onto the fire escape, closing the window behind him. The cold air it caused made you shiver, so Ben wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. He rubbed your arm and you leaned your head into his shoulder.

"You sure you guys are ready to deal with that 24/7?" Diego asked, nodding his head towards Klaus, who paced the small space, puffing on his cigarette.

Ben followed his gesture, looking out at his brother. "I think we can handle it. We just feel better knowing he has a safe place to come home to."

A knock at the door startled you all, causing Diego to reach for one of the knives he kept on him. You raised your eyebrow at him. "If someone were going to attack us, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't knock first." Diego put the knife back, shooting you a look. "It's probably the pizza guy. Want me to get it, Ben?"

"I've got it, babe." Ben got up and went to the door to get the pizza.

Diego huffed. "'Babe'? Ugh, you guys are so cute it makes me sick."

You threw Klaus's pillow at him, smacking him square in the face. "Hush."

Vanya spoke. "It's just nice to see you happy. I'm glad we all got out of that house."

"Me too" "Yeah," You and Diego said at the same time.

That was when Klaus reentered the room yelling, "Pizza time!".

He met Ben in the kitchen, where he was setting the pizza down on the counter. Ben called over to the rest of you as he grabbed some paper plates out of the cabinet. "Come and get it, guys."

You all dished up your pizza and took back your spots. Klaus had to reclaim his pillow from where you had thrown it at Diego and you gave him an apologetic look. "How's school going, Vanya?" You asked her as she finished a bite.

Vanya looked down at her lap for a moment before returning her eyes to you "It still feels odd, but it's not as bad as it was when I started. Are you two still planning on starting school?"

"That's the plan. Once we get settled here, that is." Ben turned to Diego "Have you heard anything from the police academy?"

"Yeah, I got in. Training starts next week." Diego replied casually.

"That's amazing! You're going to do great, Diego." You knew how much he wanted to work in law enforcement, to help people who couldn't help themselves, so you were excited for him.

He smiled very slightly. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

"Okay, that's great and all, but will you use your job to get me out of trouble the next time I get arrested?" Klaus asked through a mouthful of pepperoni and cheese.

Diego frowned, but there was a hint of fondness behind it. "I'm afraid you're on your own there, Klaus."

Klaus threw his pizza down onto his plate and gasped dramatically. "Betrayed by my own kin!"

"Shut up!"

You shook your head, amused at their bickering. You turned to Vanya and Ben with a giggle, "That took longer than I thought it would."


Ben sat on the air mattress, his back against the pillows and a book in his hand. He looked up and smiled at you when you came out of the shower. You returned it as you dried your hair. "Tonight went well. I still wish Allison could've made it."

"She's been pretty busy in LA. Hopefully, she'll come back and visit soon." Ben stuck the bookmark in his book and set it on the floor next to the bed.

You flipped the light off then made your way over and got underneath the blanket, cuddling up as close as possible to absorb some of his warmth. "Seeing them every day is the only thing I miss. Grace and Pogo too. Hell, I even miss Luther." Luther had been invited as well, but he told you that Reginald had a mission for him.

"Wow, I never thought I'd hear you say that," Ben replied with a tinge of humor in his tone as he repositioned himself so he was lying next to you.

"It's gotten harder to be as upset with him. He was the favorite, but it's not like he had it any easier than the rest of us." You rested your head on his chest and slung your arm over his stomach.

"Yeah, you're right." Ben sighed, closing his eyes and running his fingers up and down your arm with a feather-light touch "You know what I miss? Having an actual bed."

"It's not so bad." You sighed happily and pressed even closer to him. "I could sleep on anything as long as I'm sharing it with you."

His chest vibrated from laughter, "You're so cheesy"

"You love it."

"I really do."

With that, the two of you went to sleep, content with the fact that you finally had a home.


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