Ava's Sick (Ch22)

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"Rhys, as much as I want to know more about humans I don't think going into Ava's room without her permission is a good idea. Plus, I don't like leaving her alone with Pierce and the others... They're... Unpredictable." I explain to Rhys, concern lacing each word I speak as I reluctantly follow him into the absent females' room.

"I know you're concerned, but Pierce is more than happy to protect her while we search for information. I doubt he'll put her in harm's way, as we all know you wouldn't hesitate to kill whoever harms her." Rhys rebuttals confidently, relaxing my nerves.

"Fine, but if I even feel a bit of unease I will bolt to her," I explain as I begin looking delicately through Ava's belongings.

As we carefully search for information and I hear yelling for me and Rhys, "Rhys... Do you hear that?" I ask, turning towards the curious male as he continues to search the room.

"Hm? Hear what?" He questions, not taking his eyes off the objects he's studying in his hands. Still, something doesn't feel right with me. I turn my body facing the exit out of the room.

Reluctantly I walk forward, uncertain about the unease that's currently swirling through my mind. Something is wrong.

As if the world read my thoughts I turn towards the Cray-O-La door to see Noi bolting through it with Ava in his arms. I step in front of my little brother, as I look down at him with confused eyes. He returns the gaze with panic in his eyes.

"Noi. Why is Ava in your arms?" I ask concerned, anger threatening to escape my lips as I look at the vulnerable females tired body in his arms.

He steps back slowly only confirming my fear. She's not okay. "Noi! Explain immediately!" I yell at him only to see Leif appear beside me and instantly regret his choice of destination as he whispers a regretful "Oh no..."

I look behind Noi to the Cray-O-La entrance to see Asch and Pierce appear, "Noi I will kill you- nope." Asch states as he goes to back through the entrance when he sees my furious gaze piercing him accusingly.

"Explain!" I demand as I look at the three males currently in the room, Rhys comes out of Ava's room to witness the mess that's happening outside.

"You said you wanted to see them, Asch." Leif states to the retreating coward. "I wanted to explain the situation first," he replies from behind the wall.

"What happened?" Rhys asks calmly, as Noi turns to the concerned male.

"Ava's dead!" He exclaims, then instantly regrets his choice of words when he hears me growl angrily in shock.

"What?!" I demand as I walk closer to Noi, wanting to inspect the proclaimed dead woman in his arms.

"You actually killed her?!" Rhys demands angrily as he pushes past me to grab Ava from Noi to analyse the situation.

"What happened?!" I demand angrily as I approach Pierce, Asch comes back through the entrance only to blame Pierce for the current state Ava is in.

"It's not my fault! I didn't do anything!" Pierce retaliates, they continue to argue which only makes me angrier. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yell out catching both of them off guard.

"She's alive you idiots!" Rhys exclaims and I run over to Ava and Rhys. "Thank the gods!" I say as I check Ava's pulse only feel a steady heartbeat.

"Her skin... It's warm." I say as I inspect the weakened human. I had to research human biology during school so hopefully, that comes in handy. Here I thought I'd never have to use the knowledge.

I block out the excessive arguing from the others to inspect the female. She seems to be... Sick. I go to suggest letting her rest- "Place her to rest on her bed." -but, I hear someone else say it before I even had the chance too.

I turn towards the voice of whoever suggested it only to be very surprised by the source of the suggestion, "If it's one thing I'm positive that Daemos and humans share, it's rest. The effects will most likely wear off come morning." Asch explains to the others with a knowledgeable tone, an unintentional sense of kindness lacing his words...

And for some reason... It made my heart beat faster.

I shake off the sensation and turn my attention back to the female, "I agree with Asch." I state and everyone, including Asch, looks at me rather shocked. I sigh knowing the oddity of me agreeing with him and decide to explain myself.

"She seems... Sick. It's best she rests and if it is affects from the spell pool she'll be better tomorrow morning. If she isn't then it confirms my suspicion of her illness and I can help her from there." I state as I pick at the vulnerable female and take her to her room.

The others follow me as I place her on the bed, I go to the other side of the bed and sit beside her. "I'll watch over her. You guys go and rest." I suggest to them calmly. They nod to me and leave me to watch the sickly human.

I sit closer to her and gently stroke her hair in a protective and calming manner. "I'll help you, Ava. I promise."

I feel someone poking my cheek, I wave whatever it is away and go back to sleep. Only for the instant poking to continue. Annoyed I growl lightly and open one of my eyes to see Noi sitting beside me and poking my cheek laughing to himself, not seeing me awake.

I shove him off the bed and sit up to glare at him, only to realise my surroundings and remember the occurrence of last night.

I turn to the right of me and see Ava still sleeping, still sick. "She's not better. Is she?" Noi mopes and I shake my head, confirming his question.

"What do we do?" Rhys asks, I turn to him and look back at Ava. "Look around the home. Daemos can't heal humans so you'll need to find some sort of remedy the human may take when she's sick." I say to the others.

They nod but Rhys looks at me concerned, "What if she has no remedy?" He asks and I shake my head. "She would have something. If she had the magic to heal herself and rid of the sickness she would have by now. Therefore there must be some sort of remedy that humans use instead." I explain and he nods.

They all leave expect Asch and I look at him with a confused expression as to why he hasn't left to look.

"I want to keep an eye on her." He says simply and he notices my confused expression. Not wanting to possibly start a fight by questioning his odd behaviour, I nod and turn my attention back to Ava.

She begins to stir and out of instinct I gently stroke her head to calm her. She goes back to sleep and I smile at the effectiveness of the action.

I continue the calming gesture only to feel eyes looking at me. Unable to ignore the consistent gaze I look towards whoever is looking at me. Only to find it being a pair of confused grey eyes looking at me.

I raise an eyebrow towards Asch as if to ask why he is keeping his gaze on me, this seems to snap him out of it and he looks away.

"What is it?" I ask, not taking my hand away from Ava.

"How do you know how to care for her?" He asks still staring intently at the wall, not daring to look towards me.

"Well, I was taught about humans and their biology briefly back at Daemos. So I'm just doing what I think would work for her." I explain as I turn my attention away from the confusing Prince and back to Ava.

Almost the second I do this I feel his gaze return to me, why is he doing this? I turn my attention back to Asch only for him to turn away again.

Annoyed at his weird antics I frown slightly looking towards him, "What is it, Asch? You keep looking towards me then the second I look up you turn away." I state confused, my voice not knowing whether to take an angry or concerned tone.

He ignores me and keeps looking towards the wall. Fed up and I turn my attention to the door of Ava's room, awaiting the others to bring supplies they may find.

A few more minutes pass but they can't see to find anything. So out of pure desperation, we asked Mrs Oates.

I hope Ava isn't into much pain due to her illness, and I hope Mrs Oates can help.

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