I Don't Want To Go... (Ch38)

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Asch seems to feel the same, he sighs sadly and looks toward the ground. "What about it?" He asks my heartbreaking at the melancholy in his voice.

"You need to be enthusiastic about returning and now more than ever we need return," Rhys says shattering the contentment I gained while on Earth.

"Why? Why must we return?" I ask, looking at Rhys with a dead serious facial expression so he knows I'm not joking.

"Y/n! Not this again!" He says, his voice going from calm to annoyed really quickly.

"Face it, Rhys, we have a great life here on Earth! No more death. No more murder. No more worrying about if you'll wake up after you fall asleep. Everything is so docile and carefree. Who would want to give that up?" I ask, finally letting out my true feelings in the matter of Earth.

"I agree." Leif says certainly and Noi nods his head too, "Earth isn't like Daemos at all! It's nice here. I'm seen as some normal here. Not weak." Noi adds and I smile at my little brother. It's good to know they feel the same.

"Listen to what you are all saying-" Rhys goes to argue but I'm not dropping this conversation without a fight, "No you listen! Earth is way better than Daemos! I mean the second we got here we met Ava and has ANY of you met someone on Daemos that treats others the way Ava does?! And that's one human! The FIRST one we met! There's no way we just 'got lucky'! There must be more humans like her! Humans who are kind and don't deserve what our original plan will entail... We... We can't do it..."

My certainty and stubbornness were replaced with sorrow by the end of my speech. Because it's true. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. Not now that I know the nature of most of these humans.

"Are you suggesting treason against Daemos?!" Rhys argues and I now I've had enough.

"IF IT MEANS STAYING HERE AND KEEPING THESE HUMANS AWAY FROM THE DANGERS OF DAEMOS THAN YES! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT YES!" I scream, tears threating my eyes as I fear the worst may happen. It can't happen. "And to top it off Rhys we're as good as dead if we go back!"

"Y/n, listen to yourself!" Rhys complains, trying to calm me down but it only riles me up more.

"I AM LISTENING TO MYSELF! FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I'M LISTENING TO MYSELF! FOR ONCE I'M BEING THE SELFISH ONE!! AND I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE THINKING THIS!" I yell angrily, small and not noticeable tears slowly fall down my cheek. I wipe them away before anyone notices.

"SHE'S RIGHT!" Noi yells in agreement, "Back on Daemos you all know what would have happened to me! If it weren't for Y/n's protection and Asch making me a knight they would have killed me! Everyone there considers me weak! THEY ALMOST KILLED Y/N BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T LET THEM HURT ME! SHE. ALMOST. DIED!" Noi exclaims with emotions I haven't seen him show since they almost killed me on Daemos.

He's hurting, angry, upset. All because he now knows what it feels like to be treated like he matters by people who aren't his family. To have people who care.

To not just know someone like Ava, but for Ava to consider us a friend.

No wonder he doesn't want to leave either.

"Listen to you three! You've gone mad!" Rhys says in disbelief to what Leif, Noi and myself are saying.

"Don't try to give us that crap Rhys. You know you prefer it here too." Leif says sternly

Rhys looks at him annoyed, "Earth is better, by far than our current living situation on Daemos. But this isn't our world!"

"Well, who says it can't be!" I snap, wanting with every part of me for us to stay. We can't leave... I can't...

"There are repercussions for everything. So someone would have to take responsibility for us being here." Rhys explains calmly, and if the last bit of hope and happiness I had could be destroyed it was...

"Ava..." I said sadly, wishing it didn't have to be this way.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sorry to all of you. I know how much you all want to stay. I do too... But we can't..." Rhys says sadly and all of my words disappear... Deciding to keep my mouth shut, I let them decide what's happening. I have nothing more to say.

"Look I've been contacting Lady Grandma while we've been here. My apologies for not tell you guys sooner but she asked that it was kept discreet." Rhys explains, turning everyone's attention back to the issue at hand.

"What were you talking about?" Asch asks, both intrigued and disheartened.

"Well, Lady Grandma has her own interests in Earth. She wanted to advocate for human conservation on Daemos. Which would involve us bringing back humans... To breed them." Rhys explains. Okay, I don't have anything to say on staying. But I have MANY things to say about that!

"Breed them? Rhys, they aren't animals. Sure many Daemos see them as livestock but they aren't. Most humans have so much of what we Daemos lack, kindness. If anything we should be treated like animals. Not humans. On top of things, what Lady Grandma wants is only possible in an ideal world. Which Daemos is not. Humans would be killed immediately for how much they are worth." I explain and Rhys nods in agreement.

"I get that Y/n, but all the points you stated is why the operation was to be discreet. My job was to find the best candidates for it." Rhys states and the realisation hits all of us.

"You wouldn't!" I exclaim, letting my better judgement become lost in my hurt for the recent events.

"No. I would not. I have to admit at first she was on my list, but since then I know I could never ask that of her." Rhys explains before anyone could kill him for such a suggestion.

"Attached?" Noi asks and Rhys looks at him knowingly, "I think we all are, aren't we? But back to the point, Lady Grandma isn't answering and I don't know if you all have realised this, but time on Earth and time on Daemos are very different." Rhys states and everyone, once again, panics.

"How long have we been gone on Daemos time?!" Asch asks worriedly, "More than four months have passed on Daemos..." Rhys replies and everything goes silent.

"H-how?!" Asch asks again, he seems to be panicking a lot about this discovery... Does he know something?

"Don't worry, Lady Grandma has covered for you. But since she hasn't been answering I suggest we leave back to Daemos tonight. She might be in danger and to extension, us as well." Rhys explains.

Sighing, I sit back down in my chair... And that's when I feel it... Something isn't right...

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