Stop Caring (Ch27)

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Ava's POV

This is weird. I think Asch as a thing for y/n but I don't know. How can you tell when he is obviously a tsundere type and their relationship so far screams "I hate you, stay away from me."?

But while she's been sleeping and fixing her sleep deprivation he's just been. Well, watching her. It's so odd...

All the others keep bugging me about marrying them but Asch isn't. He was at the beginning but since y/n been "sick" his full attention has been on her.

I hope he likes her, in my opinion, they'd be cute together. Both being tsundere types. Well Asch more so than y/n, and y/n is that way from what seems to be trust issues.

She also seems clingy to people who are kind to her. Honestly, they're all odd. It's like caring and being kind isn't normal actions in Daemos. Although, that's definitely the case based on what they've said to value of Daemos.

"Ava!" I hear Leif yell at me and I want to whack him in the face so badly, "Leif. Y/n is sleeping. Yell one more time and I'm locking you outside." I say turning to face him.

He is really pushing my buttons. "When will you make your decision on marriage?" He asks, whispering slightly.

"I don't know Leif. Go annoy Noi." I reply sighing and he just rolls his eyes in response.

I don't know what to do. If I'm going to be honest if I had to marry one of them it would be Pierce. He's kind, quiet and only brings up this whole marriage thing when the others do.

And do they not date on Daemos? Just straight to talk of marriage? Are they really not that evolved? I'll have to ask y/n when she wakes up. She's the only one I can ask about this stuff, the others don't listen. They're only interested in the marriage, not my questions on it.

Why'd you have to sleep deprive yourself y/n? I really need you to control the boys. They won't stop talking!


I feel myself start to stir as I hear the voices of people talking, "No I want to marry Ava!" Noi exclaims and I groan rolling over to block out the noise.

Why are they so loud? They don't stop talking, so eventually, I give up and just decide to get up. I go to sit up but someone pushes me back down.

"You can't get up until you've slept enough. Have you slept enough yet?" The person asks I expected it to be Ava but it wasn't... Asch? I open my eyes slowly to reveal it is indeed, Asch.

I look at him extremely confused, why is he caring? He never cares about anything, why is he caring?! He's really close to me right now! Oh, my gods stop caring! Stop! I don't want to deal with you right now! Leave me alone!

"Hello? You okay?" He asks, realising I haven't replied yet I cough awkwardly and reply, "I'm fine. I've slept enough so step away and let me sit up."

I try to say the last part in a stern and annoyed voice like I usually would have, but it ends up being as awkward as the rest of the sentence. Not ideal, but I'll just roll with.

He finally backed away and I sit up, trying to look anywhere where he isn't. Then Ava comes bursting out her room, breaking the tension, thank the Gods. "Guys you've got to hide. Lorelei is coming up to my apartment!" She exclaims and I look at her confused.

"The female we met at the sacred mall?" I ask raising an eyebrow as I stand up and walk towards Ava. "What is she doing here?" I ask, why would we not be notified of her appearance sooner?

"No time to explain! I just need you guys to leave!" She yells and I nod going to leave. But of course, Asch has to protest.

"You can't tell me what to do! I'm a Prince!" He protests and I roll my eyes, I go to be snarky but Ava beats me to it. She is my best friend for a reason.

"Prince of what?! Getting angry at nothing?!" She exclaims, making me laugh which seems to make Asch angry.

"Don't laugh at her!" He yells and glare at him, "Why not? She's funny." I state and he growls, like usual. Ugh.

"No, she isn't! You're just stupid." He rebuttals and now I'm angry.

"I'm stupid?! Have you seen yourself?! You're the Prince of Morons!" I retaliate, he goes to yell back but Ava steps between us.

"Both of you shut up! You all need to leave!" She states and Asch once again retaliates.

"Y/n needs to apologise and learn to treat her leader better." He growls and I glare at him, "Go cry to someone who cares you royal pain in the ass! I'll apologise when trees walk!"

"That's it!" He yells as he creates a fireball in his hand and I get my daggers out. "Oh my god. Just kiss already." I hear Ava say and I look at her dumbfounded. What did she just- I put my daggers away and turn towards her. What's a kiss?

"What did you just say?" I ask and she smiles, "Great! Got your attention. LEAVE!" She announces and now Leif retaliates... I can't win with these fools!

This goes on for a while and Rhys, Peirce, Leif and Noi are all fighting over who will marry Ava. Ava says something about a date before marriage, I'll have to ask her what a date is.

"I want to marry Ava!" Leif yells at Noi and Noi seems unbelievably hurt, "NO! I do!" He yells back and now Leif seems hurt too. They just continue to shout at each other, both getting more hurt by the second. Noi looks like he's gonna cry.

Rhys and Pierce are discussing who would be best for Ava out of the two of them, it seems like the most passive-aggressive, yet civil argument I've ever seen in my life. I'm honestly impressed.

Meanwhile, Asch is still butt hurt over the fact I insulted him so he won't stop arguing about that to me. "At least I'm smarter than you!" Asch yells and I scoff overdramatically, "YOU, smarter than ME. In your dreams moron! You couldn't beat me in a game of wits if you tried!" I rebuttal, I'm so done with this conversation.

"Well, I'm definitely stronger than you! That's been proven the last time we sparred!" Asch argues and I burst into laughter, "You beat me the last time we sparred, that is correct. But I won 3 out of 5 matches! I won overall Asch!"

As I say this I look around at the others and realise... He isn't arguing over Ava.

"That was only because I was tired from you know, being a PRINCE! You're worth nothing in-" "Wait. Why aren't you arguing over Ava? Do you not want to rule Earth? According to your guy's logic, she's a princess." I state cutting him off of his insult he was spouting at me.

He stops talking and looks at me dumbfounded, "n-no reason! Don't think about it!" He yells, turning away from me and walking away from the conversation.

I was going to pry further, but Lorelei comes in somehow.

Does Asch like me back? Or am I thinking too much into it? No. He hates me. I hate him. That won't change. It can't. But what if I want it too...

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