Tired Eyes (Ch25)

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I've been watching over Ava for the past few days now, only leaving her room to eat really and even that was rare. I don't want to waste my magic on keeping me awake so I've just been sitting here. Watching her. Not sleeping once.

Leif tired coming in tonight to poke her or something, taking advantage of the fact I was tired. I kicked him out though. Ava needs her rest.

I'm so tired, I don't think I've slept for a good few days. The sun is probably going to rise soon, hopefully, Ava is better today. Well, well enough so I don't have to watch her and I can finally sleep.

I see her start to stir and she slowly begins to sit up slightly. Rubbing her eyes as she looks around the darkroom, her eyes soon resting onto me.

"Heeyy... You're still here?" She says tiredly and I chuckle, "I'm always here Ava." I say smiling at her sleepily.

"Good grief y/n. When did you last sleep?!" Ava asks her eyes widening as she looks at my tired face.

"Uhh... Two sunrises ago?" I say rubbing my eyes and yawning, "It's fine though. Keeping an eye on you is more important. You feeling any better?" I ask, Ava's eyes still staying wide in shock.

"I'm not more important than sleep y/n. I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you for taking care of me. But now I must take care of you. Go. To. Sleep." Ava demands, pushing me on to the pillows.

I laugh at her behaviour and roll my eyes playfully, "But I have to make sure you're okay..." I trail off, my mind giving in to the comfortable pillows. Two days of no sleep can really do something to a person.

"She's taking forever to recover!"

"She's awake on her own today."

"Wait, y/n actually fell asleep? What happened to 'staying awake' while Ava's sick?"

"Well, I'm feeling better so I told her to sleep."

All I could hear was their muffled voices. I can't leave Ava alone with them. I have to wake up now. Come on y/n.

Groggily I groan, rolling over. My eyes fluttering open as I try to get my vision to focus.

Sitting up I see the guys standing there. I shake my head to stop my blurry vision and yawn. "Morning..." I groan, my body begging for more sleep. But I can't permit it.

"Y/n. Go back to sleep." Ava states trying to push me back onto the pillows, I only ignore her attempts and get off the bed.

"Nope." I say simply as I look over to the guys, "you look awful!" Noi states very bluntly, yet concerned for my wellbeing.

"Thanks, Noi," I reply sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Looking over to the rest of the guys I notice Rhys isn't there. "Where's Rhys?" I ask.

"Good question," Asch replies, looking around. "Rhys! Where are you!?" He yells instead of just looking for him. I roll my eyes at the childish behaviour.

Honestly, at this point my eyes don't stay still, I'm always rolling them at some sort of stupidity.

"I'm here! And I'm alive!" I hear Rhys say from the door. Looking over at him I notice weird rectangles on his face. For some reason, I find them hilarious.

I start laughing at him slightly and asks, "Rhys. What is on your face?" He notices my laughter, but instead of becoming offended his happy demeanour only increases.

"They're called glasses! The wise sage Mrs Oates bestowed them upon me!" He cheers and I look at him curiously, "What do they do?" I ask. This question makes him even more ecstatic. If that's possible.

"They solve the issue of my vision!" He cheers and I look at him gobsmacked.

"What?! But how?! All the spells you and Lady Grandma tried never worked!" I exclaim completely confused.

Rhys and Lady Grandma tried spell after spell back on Daemos. All the spells did was improve his eyesight for a few hours at best. Never completely.

"I know! It's wonderful! I can't believe we never looked into something like this on Daemos!" He cheers once again, happiness radiating off of him.

"So, how do they work?" I ask coming closer to inspect the glasses. They were odd-looking, in my opinion anyway. A black frame like rectangles with long horizontal bar like things on the side and glass in the centre of each rectangle.

"They work by magnifying the wearers' eyesight when the wearer looks through the glass. Each person who wears glasses has different types of glass depending on the magnification needed. Rhys is just lucky Mrs Oates had a spare and that he has old lady eyesight." Ava explains, chuckling at the last part. But Rhys didn't care.

The guys then for some reason take turns trying on the glasses... And Leif breaks them by poking Ava with them...

Rhys immediately becomes angry, Ava rushes out somewhere. I ask her where and she said something about checking if Mrs Oates has another spare pair. I'm too tired to focus...

Meanwhile, Leif and Rhys start having an all-out battle. The house for some reason is a mess, which I'll yell at the later for. But for now, I just needed to stop them.

"Both of you stop! You're wasting magic, Rhys!" I yell at him as he forms ice into his hands.

"Y/n. Move out of the way," Rhys demands as I step in front of Leif. "No, you're angry and I get it. Leif is a moron. But Ava is going to get you-" At that moment Ava burst through the door.

"I have them!" She announces running over to Rhys and giving him new glasses as well as ice cream. Calming down instantly, Rhys threatens Leif one more time before leaving him alone.

I sigh, thankful that he didn't waste his magic in such a stupid situation... But I also feel incredibly dizzy.

"Y/n you okay?" Ava asks and I look over to her, "The world is spinning..." I mumble before this start to fade, and everything goes black.

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