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    "So you never finished school?" Peter asked staring up into the sky.
     "No, never had the chance." I replied, watching as the sky took a slight orange tint. I sighed heavily, night would be here soon. "We need to be heading back or at least I do."
    "I.." Peter started as he sat up and looked at me as I slowly sat up myself. "Really?"
    "Night is coming." I shrugged as I stood and looked out at the city before us, the changing color of the sky reflecting on the buildings. "And as much as I love spending time with you, I also don't want to run into the shadows."
    "What if.." he started and shook his head as he stood.
     "What if? What?" I asked, looking over at him.
     "I was going to say if you came over to my house and then we could call Happy or have my Aunt take you back but you would still have to get from my building to the car." He sighed, looking at the ground.
      "Maybe some other time?" I smiled walking over to him, I grabbed his hand.
    Peter looked over to were my hand held his, slowly his head raised. Our eyes met and he smiled. I could see through the vision between us, one of mechanics, making the devises that were attached to each wrist. The tinkering, the fine details in each of them.
     "Those must of taken days or ever weeks to make." I said softly, watching the vision from his minds eyes, his hands moving, adjusting, looking back to a notebook, doodles and numbers covered the page. I slid my hand forward a bit and tapped the device on his wrist with my finger.
     "Oh, is that what your seeing?" He asked, his brows knitting together.
     "Yeah, it's really.. cool.. there are so many tiny pieces in it." I replied, I could see him watching me, but I was more focused on the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. "You are really smart, like holy crap. All the equations on the page and the inside of that thing."
    "Thanks.. I think." He chuckled, slowly the vision began to fade and Peter came more into focus. A soft smile on his face as he looked at me, the world around us turning a vibrant orange. "You're pretty awesome."
   "Thanks, don't think anybody has called me awesome before." I grinned as I let go of his hand and walked over to the edge of the building and looked down. "So do we jump down? Or?"
    I looked back to Peter, phone in hand, his thumbs moving quickly across the slick glass surface. He looked up as he finished and slid the phone into his pocket that was barely visible in the side of his leg. I looked back up my eyes meeting his. 
    "Tony thought of everything with suit."
He shrugged as he walked toward me. Peter's face was slack, I could see a bit of nervousness in his eyes as he stopped inches in front of me.
    "Looks like it." I replied, my own nerves kicking up for a split second.
    His dark eyes met mine, the soft curls in his deep brown hair moved slightly as the wind blew. Gently he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me tight against him, I could feel his heart beating hard in his chest. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself even tighter against him, knowing what was coming.
     "Ready?" He asked me softly, barely audible. I nodded in reply as he lift his other arm and pointed it at the roof of the building next to us.
    I watched as he pressed down against his wrist with his two middle fingers, webs sprang from his palm. They hit the corner of the roof, spreading out and attaching themselves. Together we jumped from the side, wind rushing against us. My heart in my throat, the feeling of free falling, laughter escaped from me. Exhilaration bubbled through me as he swung us through alley, the bricks that made the buildings a blur.
      The crazy thought was I felt safer being suspended ten feet above a dirty alley way, swinging at high speeds with him then any other time in my life. I could barely remember what life had been like before I could see the shadows, before the darkness became this evil thing. Back when being scared of the dark was just something little kids were, not someone at my age. Teddy bears and footed pjs.
    Before I knew it I felt my feet touch the ground, the weight of my body being held up by own legs. God, what it would be like to swing like that for ever.
    "Happy should be here in a couple minutes." He almost whispered as he lowered his arm away from me.
    Something happened, I wasn't quite sure, but I knew it. Peter walked back over to his backpack and pulled his clothes on. He pulled them on over the red and blue suit, his shirt collar ruffling up his hair.
    "Hey, I have a crazy idea." He stated, slinging his back pack over his shoulder grinning over at me.
     "That sounds dangerous." I retorted with a giggle as we headed out of the alley. He rolled his eyes as he let out a chuckle.
    "What if you came to school with me?" He asked, looking both ways as we darted across the street. "You could pose as a student that might be transferring in."
   "What?" I asked, stopping once safely on the other side, I turned to face him. He tilted his head toward me with cheeky grin.
    "Look, you'll be safe cause it's day light, you get experience what high school is like, even if for a day. And you get to hang out with me all day. It's a win win."
     "Peter, I don't think that's how that works. I would have to have some kind of clearance to make sure I wouldn't kill anybody, plus I don't have parents to sign me up, there is no possible way." I responded, he turned to face me fully just as Happy's black car pulled up next to us.
    "Oh look, a parent." He smirked as Happy stepped out of the car.
    "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Happy asked, looking from me to Peter.
    "Echo hasn't experienced high school, and I was thinking she could go with me but she would need a parent to sign her in. And you could easily do that." Peter explained rushing up to him, Happy looked over him at me. All I could do was shrug my should and bite my lip.
    "Won't work, absolutely not, we don't have any paper work." Happy retorted.

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