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  Warmth, I felt it radiating through my body, the world around me sounded in hushed tones. The sound of car horns softly getting louder, slowly I began to open my eyes. The light pierced my retinas, the scene around me was blurry at best. The shapes surrounding me brighter then a box of neon colored crayons.
"Mam, miss, are you okay?" A shaky male voice asked as I felt hands wrap around my upper arms, slowly pulling me up.
"Wha? Where.." My throat felt raw as I tried to talk, I looked up toward the voice. My vision swam in and out before focusing on a young man's face. Teenage boy really, soft brown eyes greet back at me full of worry.
"You're in the street, let me help." He replied as he helped me up to my feet, carefully tucking himself under my arm and supporting my weight as he walked me to the side walk. Cars honking furiously at us, a chorus of angry voices.
"How did I get on the street?" I asked looking around confused. I was in Queens, but something just felt off about it.
"I don't know, I came around the corner and saw you laying there." He replied as he helped me over to a bench. I flopped down with full force, still looking around trying to decide why it felt off even though it all looked so right.
"I was in a movie theater." I stated out loud. How did I get in the street, it was morning, it shouldn't be though, it should be midday, evening even. "What time is it?"
"7:10 am." He replied, looking over my face as I looked down the street before looking back to him.
"What day?" I asked.
"May 18, 2023." He stated, his eyes connecting me. I felt a chill run down my spine, four years had pasted in the blink of an eye.
"I.. I don't understand." I said, trying to take deep breaths, the tightening my chest making it hard to breath. I lost four years, how the hell was that possible.
"Oh, you most be one of the people that were snapped too." He replied fishing out his phone.
"Snapped?" I watched him in confusion as he hit something on the smooth screen and put the phone to his ear.
"Yeah, when Thanos got the infinity stones, he snapped his fingers and half the population was wiped off the planet. Turned to dust, including me. But then avengers unsnapped everyone, but we are months past that." He rattle off sitting down for a moment. He had to have been off his rocker, the snap of someone's fingers and just half the population suddenly disappears, gone just like that? That was ludicrous, further more, who could create such a thing? The US? Russia? Lord knows there would of been rumors of such a device. "Yeah, we're down by the sub shop."
"Who did you call?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the kid.
"A friend, I have to get to school. We haven't seen people just show up a month after the snap happened. And I want to make sure you're okay, Aunt May would kill me if I left you by yourself." He replied with cheeky smile, and if hadn't been for all the crazy talk it would seemed warm and comforting but this kid was crazy.
"Look, I don't know you and I certainly don't know your friends, I'm just going to go now." I replied standing suddenly, the world began to tilt on its axis, my vision started to blur, yet again.
And then it hit me, the world seemed to take on sepia tones, like watching a film that had an old scene. You know, one where the director want led to make sure the audience knew they were watching the past. Everything stayed the same and changed at the same time, and then I saw it. Someone dressed in ridiculous red and blue lycra swinging from building to building on what could only be described as webs.
"Miss!" I heard him call out, hands wrapped around my biceps. 'Spiderling?' A male voice said softly before fading away. I blinked hard a couple of times, the world returned to normal. The kid looked as shocked as I did, tears pooling on his eye lids as he looked at me. "What did you say?"
"That was you, the one swing from the buildings, the one in the war." I breathed out, looking at his face watching his brow knot up.
"How did you find out? And where did you hear Spiderling? Only one person had called me that." He whispered his voice cracking slightly as let me regain my footing.
"I don't understand. People can't swing from buildings, people can't just be snapped out of existence." I pulled away sharply, this kid was crazier then me, and I had been in a straight jacket, that's saying something. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I've dealt with enough crazy for one day."
"Miss!" He called out as I turned to step away just in time to collide with what felt like a brick wall. I staggered back a bit, almost bumping back into crazy kid, the first thing my eyes landed on was the metal hand that had grasped my wrist.
"Hey Peter." Someone approaching from my right stated, my eyes finally snapping up from the absurdity of the metal hand encircling my hand. I was met by ocean color eyes, and a stoic face. "This her?"
"Let me go." I stayed relatively calmly considering everything going on, the man holding on to me smirked slowly. "Or else."
"Mam, we aren't here to hurt you." The same guy who addressed crazy kid, I mean peter, said. My glaze drift over to the other man.
He reminded me of a warm mocha, a sincere smile on his face and calm, gentle eyes, while the man that held me firm reminded me of ice. They were opposites, that was for sure, even the way they held themselves were the completely different. Ice man was rigid and on guard, I could tell by the way he stood he was posed for a fight, sending my nerves on edge. The other man exuded warmth, his gait casual, a kind smile he was someone you knew you could relax around.
However the fact that obviously he knew not only crazy kid but by the fact he didn't seemed phased by ice mans grip on my wrist meant he knew him too.
"Yeah, I've heard those words before." I spat out before stepping into ice man and kneeing him in the nuts. His grip faltered and I pulled my hand out sharply, I shoved him as hard I could, which by the way I would of been more successful shoving a brick building but never the less was I able to get past him and bolt down the street.

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