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The setting sun bathed the field in vivid orange glow, wild flowers colors slightly muted. I laid out on the large blanket, quilted in blue and white. My arms tucked up under my head as I stared up at cloudless sky. Pin pricks of stars starting to peak out as the canopy above me began to tinge in pink.
My Auntie laid next to me, her tanned arms crossed behind her own head. It was one of the rare days we were able to escape the city, one of the few nice days I had before she was taken from me abruptly.
"Auntie, do you think I'll be cursed my whole life?" I asked, slightly sighing as I sat up, soon the shadow creatures would come.
"Echo, one day your abilities will help you. You will be able know when someone isn't good, you'll be able to help stop bad things, horrible things from happening." She told me as she herself sat up. Both of us stood and started to gather our things.
"And the creatures will magically turn good and not want to tear me limb from limb?" I retorted as we crossed the small hill back to the car.
"I don't know, maybe the shadows are there to remind you." She calmly stated opening the back hatch as she tossed in the blanket.
"Remind me of what?"
"That you're different, you were put here the way you are for a reason. And before you ask, no I don't know for what." She smiled as she closed the hatch and walked back the drivers seat. "How does Tai sound for dinner?"
Slowly my eyes opened, daylight slipped in the window above the bed. I sat up and stretched while looking around the room. It was the first time in the longest time I could remember of not only getting a decent nights sleep but also dreaming of my Aunt. I had to admit to myself that it was nice to her face again even if it was just a memory.
"Friday?" I asked softly, sitting up and looking up at the ceiling.
"Yes, Echo?" The voice replied.
"What time does Peter get off of school?"
"About two hours from now, I have been alerted that Happy Hogan is enroute to come get you." Friday replied.
"Oh, uh, how do I get back to the front door?" I questioned as I hopped over to the edge the bed and walked toward the door.
"Exit the room, take a left and continue down the hall. At the end is a door, beyond that is the common room with an elevator that will take you to the main floor and from there you will be able to see the exit." She explained.
"Thank you." I stated before leaving the room, wondering if it weird that I just thanked a program for their assistance in getting me out of here. It not like I had had many encounters with AI's before, in fact this was a first for me. This whole existence was completely foreign to me, super hero's. I wonder if they dress in tights and wear capes.
I snickered to myself as I pushed the door at the end hall open imaging the guy Bucky in tights. He certainly didn't seem like the type, men in tights, so manly. I notice the common room was empty, except some old guy sitting on the couch but I didn't pay any attention to him as I crossed the area toward the elevator.
I walked up to the smooth metal plains and pressed the button next the doors. It lit up red and from somewhere above a speaker told me access was denied.
"Shit." I stated softly looking at the doors.
"Language." The old man behind replied, looking over my shoulder I noticed that he never looked up from the newspaper he was reading. He seemed out of place, the other three appeared to be of a reasonable age but him, he had to be pushing seventy at the very least.
"Excuse you?" I questioned, I had never been corrected like this from a complete a stranger. I wasn't the mood to be toyed with, I wanted just to get of here. "But seriously what the fuck?"
"Is that anyway to speak to your elders?" He questioned back as he set the newspaper down on the coffee table in front him. He turned his head and looked over to me. "And language."
"Look dude, I just want out of here. And the elevator won't let me."
"That's because it's fingerprint protected." He replied simply as he stood and casually walked over to me. He was tall and didn't walk hunched over like most people his age. Bright blue eyes surrounded by cows feet held a bit of smirk to them. "You must be Echo, Bucky told me you would probably try to leave. Friend of Peter's, am I right?"
"Uh, Yeah. And you are?" I asked, taking a step back from him as he came up to the elevator.
"Just a friend of Bucky's." He replied pushing the button, I watched as it lit green and the doors rolled open.
"Thanks." I replied getting ready to step forward.
"Make sure Peter stays out of trouble." He told me with a joking tone as he gave me a pat on the back. Red, White and Blue filled my vision as I entered leaving me more confused then anything. Lucky the ride up was quick and sure enough a car was waiting for me, the man from yesterday, Happy, standing next to looking bored of out of his skull.
He opened the door as I approached, I flash him an awkward smile as I ducked in. He rounded the front and got in the drivers seat, he turned the keys and the ignition roared to life. We pulled forward and started our return trip to the city, excitement slightly building up. I knew I shouldn't be excited to see Peter again, but I was. He was the first person since my aunt to actually seem to care.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" Happy asked, snapping me back to earth.
"Shouldn't you be in school? And do your parents know where you're at?" He asked, looking at me in the rear view mirror.
"Uh, I graduated early and I was emancipated from them a while ago." Only half of a lie, I never finished school, I left after my Auntie died and my parents kinda just gave up on me.
"What school?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.
"Does it really matter?"
"Yes, I have to my eye on the kid, so I want to know who you are. I know most of Peter's friends and I've never seen you before." Happy retorted, I could feel the anxiety welling up in my chest at the questions.
"I graduated via online courses, the program went under two years ago. Livatech, Guessing you never heard of it though, it wasn't well known and even now I can't find any info on it. And I used to live around here years ago but moved away and I just recently came back." I snapped back, Livatech was the corporation that found me shortly after my aunt was murdered. They held me hostage for years, trying to figure me out. They were an offshoot of a governmental group I found out later. "Is that good enough for you."
His eyes widened as we pulled up on a side street near the school. I didn't wait as I jumped out and practically rushed toward the throng of students exiting. Kids with heavy backpacks walking about talking to each other, I bobbed and weaved till I saw Peter, he waved at some people and then looked toward where Happy was parked. A smiled crossed his face when he saw me and I felt relief wash over me to finally be with someone that I felt I could trust.

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