Long Nights

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Perhaps it was the way he confidently strode into the bar that deepened my overwhelming feelings for him. As his eyes glanced over the women in the room, their annoying giggles resonated in my ears. He made eye contact with my piercing glare. His smirk faltered for a split second before being replaced with a large grin. He was revered for his dashing good looks. His brilliant blue eyes were in no comparison to my dull, brown pools: his blonde locks smoother than my flat brunette hair.

It was no wonder everyone loved him; he was godly. And I? The best friend cast into his crushing shadow. How typical. And who was to blame? Me, of course. There was no point in dwelling over what I wasn't. But nonetheless, I always felt a twinge of jealousy. There was no comparing him and me, as it would go on for days listing his capabilities against my uselessness.

My gaze softened and I let out a heavy sigh, letting my eyes flutter closed for a brief moment out of small anguish. It was amazing to shut out the world even if it was for a second. Once I reopened my eyes, he was no longer across the bar, but making his way through the crowd and but a mere yard away. He greeted me with a soft smile and sat across from me in the booth.

I let out another sigh and spoke sternly," Elijah, you're late."

He awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. "Yeah, I know."

I waited for a solid minute in wait for his usual excuse. "And? What's the excuse this time?"

"I don't have one, there's no use in trying to come up with something. You read me like an open book." He retorted.

Smiling softly in response, I gave him a short chuckle and spoke," Yeah, I know. I was kinda hoping you'd make up a story, though," I snickered. "Like you always do."

He gave me a ginger smile and asked," So, do you want me to call the bartender over to order our drinks?"

"Nah, it's fine. I already got our order in, told Vera you'd be a bit late as always. I got us whiskeys." 

He hummed in response. "Should be getting here just about-" As if on queue, our long-time friend, who happened to own this pub, arrived with the drinks, handing us each our own.

"So what are you guys up to tonight?" She questioned, glancing over me to quickly look at Elijah.

"Nothing much, truthfully. Just another guys' night out." He smiled, looking up at her to give her his famous smirk, known to blind any woman who happened to witness it. Winking slightly at her, a small blush rose to her cheeks. She softly bit her lip and looked away from embarrassment.

"Oi, man-whore. Leave Vera alone."

They both looked at me in subtle disbelief at my crudeness, but Elijah quickly smirked at me and retorted teasingly," Awe, does our little Liam need some attention?" 

"No, I'd just like it if you didn't fuck my childhood friend, you horn dog."

To an outsider, one would scorn me for insulting in such a manner, but Elijah let out a bout of laughter. We always teased each other so, and it was unnatural for us to act otherwise. It was rarely that we spoke affectionately about the other; this was how we always spoke to each other.

Vera let out a clearly forced giggle and sassily flipped me off as Elijah turned back to me. We grinned at one another then she decided to tend to her other patrons.

After his small laughter died down, he softly looked at me in amazement. "I can't believe you cock blocked me, you asshat! You totally embarrassed me!" 

He then shot a playful glare at me. Rolling my eyes, I took a bitter swig of the alcohol and looked back at him. He waited for my response but I shook my head, letting out a small laugh. Was I really surprised that all he thought about was getting in women's pants? He didn't care who it was, Jesus fucking Christ.

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