❀ sweet

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the next time i met seonghwa and his girlfriend again, we were all together with the clique on a friday night. seonghwa had his arm around hyeri’s shoulders. it was dark in the pub but i could witness the cause of what felt like my millionth heartbreak.

i could see a ring on her finger that rested on seonghwa’s thigh and i wondered if it had just been my imagination when i saw the girl at the mall on the other day.

“noona, you alright?” yunho nudged me lightly and i tore my eyes away from the couple. yunho raised his eyebrows. “you’ve been quiet than usual.”

i gave him a small smile and hoped that it looked believable. “yeah, i’m just feeling a little sick,” right, totally sick of seeing the sight of this ‘lovely’ couple.

“do you wanna go home?” he asked, looking all concerned for me as he offered, “i can drive you home, you know.”

the person on my left leaned closer to me and my heart raced fast. seonghwa asked me, “what’s up? what’s wrong? why are you going home?”

“nothing really, hyung. noona said that she’s feeling a bit sick,” yunho answered him for me.

seonghwa brought his hand up to my face and placed the back of his hand against my forehead. i swallowed my nervousness, and my heart didn’t stop banging in my chest. he frowned, “you feel a little hot. i think you should go home and get some rest.”

i took a hold of his wrist and gently brought it down. the crease between his eyebrows folded even more as i put his hand nicely on his lap. i smiled at him softly and that was when i knew that i could never smile at my best friend like how i used to anymore. seonghwa was once a best friend i fell in love with and now he was a best friend i was trying to avoid.

“babe~” hyeri tapped his arm and seonghwa immediately turned to give her his attention.

“yes?” he smiled so endearingly at her as he curled her hair behind her ear that the gunshot to my heart felt all too real. i really wished he would look at me like that.

“i can’t meet you tomorrow, my friends decided to hang out for shopping.”

i looked away, wondering who these ‘friends’ were. could they really be her friends, or was it that guy she had been seeing and kissing? i caught yunho rolling his eyes before he looked at me.

“should i drive you home?”

i glanced at seonghwa, who was still talking to his girlfriend. then, i turned my head to look at the rest. everyone else was busy chatting and laughing. it wouldn’t be causing much of a disruption if i just went home.

“that would be great, yunho. thanks.”

he smiled at me and stood up from his seat before grabbed his car key. when everyone looked up to him, he announced, “i’m driving a sick girl home,” he snapped his head to meet my eyes.

everybody else just nodded and some even bid me a goodbye. i noticed that seonghwa somehow wanted to greet me a goodbye as well but before he could even speak a word, hyeri caught his attention saying that she wanted another drink.

“come on,” yunho whispered.

“rest well when you get home, okay,” yeosang said to me.

i smiled at them, “i’ll see you guys,” i said before made my way to yunho.


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