❀ lies

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| five |


“but she wasn’t wearing your ring, hwa,” i told him without including the fact that she actually took the ring off right there and then.

he was quiet and i was really starting to feel guilty. but then he shrugged, “maybe she forgot about it after a shower,” i pursed my lips as seonghwa looked up at me. “what was she doing with that guy?”

his voice was in a low tone— almost a whisper and his eyes were earnest. he wanted to know the truth, but he was afraid of something. he was afraid that it might hurt him. or perhaps he might be afraid of me and how much of a tell-tale i was. but wasn’t it better to be hurt for a while, than to be cheated on for a long time?

so i told him, “they were hugging,” i really really really didn’t want to hurt him, so i left it hanging, hiding the fact that they were actually kissing.

seonghwa put down the knife and stared at me. his lips were tightly shut and i knew that my words made him furious. i was not sure who he was mad at. but when he finally opened his mouth, that was when i knew who meant more to him.

“i know the guys don’t like her. but you?” he gave a scoff that sounded like a dry laughter. “you didn’t say anything about her before, but i guess you don’t have to now.”

did seonghwa really trust his girlfriend of a year and half over his best friend of four years?

the atmosphere was getting quiet before he stated, “maybe they had just caught up after a long time. or maybe you even saw the wrong person. it might not even have been her…”

he trailed off at the end and i realized that it wasn’t anger that he was feeling. he was just upset and needed some reassurances that his girlfriend was faithful to him.

i slowly nodded, felt somehow hurt. i had no choice but lied to him, “you’re right, i’m sorry. i might have seen someone else. and the girl i saw that day seemed to have smaller eyes,” my voice nearly cracked at the end but i tried hard to hide my disappointment.

a grin slowly creeped onto seonghwa’s face. “see, i knew it! she may be a total princess but she definitely would not hug guys who aren’t me. after all, you certified me as the best hugger in the world, didn’t you?”

i gave him a pain smile. he might give the best hugs in the world, but to me, everything about him was perfect. he did everything the best in my eyes. that was what he was to me. however, opinions were all relative that made what i admitted wouldn’t be what others agreed to.

i got off the chair and turned around. i could feel seonghwa’s stare behind me. i murmured, “i’ll just wait for you at the couch, i’m a bit drowsy.”

he hummed and i tried to not run to the sofa. i just couldn’t be around him with my heart clenching and me stuttering that i didn’t know whether it would stop right then or to go on forever. right now, it felt exactly like the former; like i was going to die.

why was he defending her when he probably knew that i was right? why didn’t he want to acknowledge the fact? he knew that i wasn’t the kind to lie, especially to him, and he indeed knew that i couldn’t boldly lie to him. but why was he acting like that? was it because he loved hyeri too much? but what exactly seonghwa saw in her? everyone didn’t like her, they believed what they saw when they looked at her but why couldn’t he? was that why people called love is blind?

“the other day,” the guy spoke up all of a sudden, as if he knew what i was thinking. he laughed as he remembered something funny. i was looking forward to what he was going to say. “she took off my ring and drew a new ring on my finger. it was cute.”

for real, what did she has that i didn’t? was it because she was ‘cute’ like what he said?

seonghwa made a sound that similar to a giggle and it made me smile briefly. maybe it was not that bad he dated her. she made him happy, seeing him smiled like an idiot like this somehow made me felt happy. as cliché as it sounded.


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