❀ lies

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yunho was sitting next to me during the next gathering. seonghwa and hyeri were at the end of the table, thankfully away from me. i couldn’t bear to see him smiling so wide because of his cheating girlfriend. the way he was being all lovey-dovey towards her made me uncomfortable and i hated that feeling. he was supposed to be my best friend, damn it! i was not allowed to feel this way.

“hey, eat more.” jongho —who was sitting in front of me— kindly served me more food. i smiled at him and then yunho nudged me as if telling me to eat. i glanced at yunho and noticed something in his hair. i reached up to his fringe and ruffled my fingers through it as he pouted naturally.

“you don’t eat that much. are you still sick?”

“nope,” i shook my head and fixed his hair.

yunho shifted closer to me and murmured, “is it seonghwa again?” i hummed in reply, taking a bite of fish and chips. “he didn’t believe you?” he asked, helping me to tuck my hair over my shoulder. i shook my head as a reply. “then he’s fooling himself. like an idiot.”

i chuckled sadly. “that’s what love does to you, i guess.”

yunho placed his warm hand on my lap and squeezed my thigh gently. i felt better now than last night and it gave me the strength to eat more. i was so glad to have yunho by my side right now that he made me feel better and listened to all my concerns. i let out a sigh then i gave him a reassurance smile before continued to eat.


ever since the reunion, i had been talking to yunho a lot more than usual and i admitted that i had never known how funny he was. he might not be like seonghwa, but he had his own charms. he might be younger than me as well, but his caring and unique personality was what made me fond of him.

with my best friend constantly busy with his own girlfriend, yunho had been keeping me company these days. and everyone knew how two opposite genders fell for each other after hanging out for so long— just like me with seonghwa. except, he didn’t fall for me.

yunho was currently over at my house, busy playing with his phone when i crawled onto his lap and sat on him. he laughed, circling his left hand around my waist.

“what’s up, babe?” he asked, leaning closer before gave me a peck on my cheek.

i smiled bashfully, “what level are you now, hm?” he knew that i was talking about his game on his phone and he just playfully hummed.

“don’t know,” he threw his phone somewhere at the side and went into full cuddling mode. he put his head in the crook of my neck and i knew he wanted me to rub his head because he loved that. well, forgot the fact that he could be childish at times.

“you smell very nice,” yunho murmured against my skin, tickling me a bit and then his nose pressed into my hair.

i laughed when he showered me repeatedly with light kisses. but our cuddle session was interrupted when we heard someone rang the doorbell. the both of us looked at each other before i got off his lap and stood up. “wait a minute.”

i went to the door before opened it and to my surprise, seonghwa stood in front of me.

i couldn’t help but felt a bit shock upon seeing him at my front door. then, i noticed that he was looking down at the floor.“hwa, what’s wrong? are you okay?”

“you were right...” he whispered.

“about what?”

“she was cheating on me,” he said. my heart clenched at his sad figure. he mumbled quietly, “and i broke up with her. if only i trusted you back then, i─i...”

“seonghwa...” i stepped forward and rubbed his broad back to comfort him.

i might not be as close to him as before anymore, or even loved him as much as i did, but i still did care for him like a best friend should. seonghwa then engulfed me into a hug tightly while sobbing. i rubbed his back even more and hushed him.

“come in, hwa? i’ll make you strawberry tea. your favourite.”

he nodded and pulled away from me. as i pulled him into my apartment by the hand, yunho looked up, “baby, who’s— oh, hyung.”

seonghwa stopped and stared at the lad that was on the couch. then, his gaze moved to the girl. now he felt stupid. because the only girl who suited him best, who would never cheat on him and who cared a lot about him was finally taken and was getting all the loves she deserved. seonghwa was just too late.



a/n — yeah you’ve done reading this book and don’t forget to vote ^^

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