Time Rift Control

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Remember, Hat kid and Bow kid look like this now.

Remember, Hat kid and Bow kid look like this now

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[Third person pov]

Hat kid was pacing back and forward, Bow kid was still trying to process the situation. Hoodwink had just told the girls about Nightmare.
Hat kid: How long has this been going on?
Hoodwink: Since we got to this planet.
Bow kid: So you just have some weird shadow thing trying to kill you?
Hoodwink: Yeah, even I think that sounds ridiculous.
Hat kid: Well, what can we do about it?
Hoodwink shrugged.
Hoodwink: I don't even know where she came from.
Hat kid: This is bad, really bad.
Ship: Warning! Rift detected!
Hat kid and Bow kid got scared looks on their faces.
Hat kid: A rift?!
Bow kid: Blue or purple?
Hat kid ran to the ship console and checked. She sighed in relief.
Hat kid: Blue.
Bow kid: Oh thank goodness.
Hoodwink: Huh?
Bow kid: Where is it?
Hat kid presses some buttons on the console.
Hat kid: Looks like it's in a cave in Mafia town.
Bow kid: Should we close it?
Hat kid: Yeah, let's.
Hoodwink: Hello?! Explain!
Hat kid: Oh, my bad.
Hat kid guided Hoodwink to the console.
Hat kid: This is a blue time rift, it appears when a time piece is completely destroyed and-
Rumbi: Ow-my-circuit-boards!
The children turned to Rumbi, who bumped into a wall. It just turned around and kept cleaning.
Hat kid: ...And purple time rifts appear when a time piece hits someone. Blue time rifts are-
Rumbi: Ow!
The children turned to Rumbi again, it ran to another wall. It turned and kept cleaning.
Hat kid: ...It is so dumb-Anyway, blue time rifts aren't as unstable as purple time rifts. But purple time rifts can-
Rumbi: Ow!
Hat kid: Oh for-!
Hat kid marched to Rumbi.
Hat kid: Hey!
Hat kid picked up Rumbi.
Hat kid: ...Stop it. Stop it. Okay?
Rumbi: ...
Hat kid: Okay?!
Rumbi: ...Okay....
Hat kid: Alright.
She put Rumbi back down, and went back to Hoodwink.
Hat kid: Purple time rifts can destroy the space time continuum.
Hoodwink: Ah, understand now.
Hat kid: Good.
Hat kid pressed some more buttons on the console.
Hat kid: Ok, now we come back to the ship whenever we want. C'mon, let's close that rift.
The children walked to the kitchen.
Bow kid: Oh yeah! Here Hoodwink.
Bow kid gave Hoodwink some sort of device.
Bow kid: Hat kid made this thingamajig. It lets you quickly switch to your different gear.
Hoodwink raised an eyebrow.
Hoodwink: Wait, how?
Bow kid: Just put it in your hood pocket, and think of which hood you want to wear.
Hoodwink put the device in his pocket, and thought really hard. There was a puff of smoke, and when the smoke cleared, he had is wizard hood on.
Hoodwink: Groovy!
Hat kid: Okay, enough dawdling, let's go.
The children nodded, grabbed their weapons, and jumped out the hatch.

~~~Time skip, brought to you by the children smug dancin'

The children have been searching all over Mafia Town. They were now in some sort of bazaar.
Hat kid: Ugh, where is it?
Bow kid: Man, this is gonna take forever to-
Hoodwink: Is that it?
Hoodwink pointed to a cave. There was a blue rift inside.
Hat kid: Yes! C'mon!
Hat kid jumped inside the time rift, Bow kid and Hoodwink followed.

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