(I'll also talk about a new story at the end.)
[Third person pov]
Bow kid and Hoodwink were running from Hat kid.
Hat kid: I'll catch you eventually!
Bow kid: You're on a time limit sweetie!
Hat kid got and idea.
Hat kid: Rumbi, attack!
Rumbi got in the path of Bow kid, causing her to trip.
Hat kid: Tag! You're it!
Bow kid: Cheater!
Hoodwink: All's fair in tag.
Hoodwink and Hat kid ran from Bow kid. Bow kid started to gain on them.
Hat kid: Sorry, it's you or me.
Hat kid lightly pushed Hoodwink.
Hoodwink: Hey!
Bow kid: Tag! You're it!
Bow kid and Hat kid ran in opposite directions.
Hoodwink ran after Bow kid. He tried to touch her but she dodged all his grabs.
Bow kid: Not today!
Hoodwink gave up and went to find Hat kid. She was silently snickering to herself, Hoodwink had been trying to find her for 3 minutes now.
Hoodwink: This tag! Not hide and seek!
Hoodwink gave up.
Hoodwink: This to hard.
But then, he got an idea...a good idea at that.
Hoodwink: Oh yeah, it's all coming together.~~~1 minute later
Bow kid: You have 1 minute left Hoodwink!
Hat kid: Where is he anyway?
Bow kid: I don't know.
The girls then heard what sounded like crying.
Hat kid: Is that...Hoodwink.
The went to the source of the sound. They found Hoodwink curled into a ball.
Bow kid: This is a trick.
Hat kid went up to him.
Hat kid: It's okay Hoodwink, it's just a game. It's not like-
Bow kid: Told you.
Hoodwink: Tag! You're it!
*Ring* *Ring*
Bow kid: That's the game! Hat kid is the loser!
Hoodwink smiled proudly.
Bow kid: Good thinking Hoodwink, you-
Hat kid: Second round!
Bow kid: Second what?
Hat kid: Tag! You're it!
Hat kid and Hoodwink ran from Bow kid.
Bow kid: Hey! Get back her!
She ran after them, and the game continued.[A/n pov]
So, I just watched the Steven Universe movie, and I loved it. And Spinel is my favorite character(shocking). So, I was planning on making a Spinel x male reader. Maybe follow me if you want to read that(I sound like the average youtuber). Kay, Lataaaaaa.
A Hat, Bow, and Hood In Time
PrzygodoweDon't you just hate it when a man punches through your window on your spaceship and causes all you and your time pieces to get sucked into the vacuum of space and now you to get them back? Especially when one of you has some weird way of attracting...