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Olivia: I am keeping to my word and that is I am getting them out this house and that is what I'm going to do and you guys just proved to me that you are not genuine you are a flip-flopper and you are fake because yesterday you guys were all for getting them out and now you want to have their back like what the fuck?

Susan: Ain't nobody fake sweetie.

Olivia: Then what is the problem? Are you scared or something?

Narrator: Things got heated between Oliva Susan and Sam when Olivia thought they were being fake by not sending Camilla and Cameron home and when Susan insulated Olivia's mother...

Olivia: Fake ass bitches.

Susan: Your momma fake bitch.

-Olivia Punches Susan right in her face and pulls her hair while Sam smacks Olivia across her face and security ran in an broke it up-

Olivia: I have lost all my respect for you guys y'all are dead to me -Goes to her room-

Narrator: But things didn't end there once the girls left to go to the club Olivia, Leah, Marlee and Haylee proceeded to destroy their things and once the got home there was a huge altercation and Sam, Susan, Camilla and Cameron left the Bgc mansion...


Kennedy's interview: I think this is going to be the mother of all fights and hey I'm glad me and my sis ain't in it.

Susan: Oh so no one wants to talk.

-Susan runs up and hits Leah and Leah grabs onto her hair and swings her on the floor Sam runs in to help her sister but she got punched in the face by Liv Cameron saw the opportunity to try and sneak Haylee but Haylee kicked her in the belly Marlee grabbed a chunk of Cameron's hair and pulled it while her sister punched her repeatedly...-

Camilla: Fuck y'all we out this bitch.

Sam: Nah we leaving and that's it.

Kennedy: well that just happened we lost 4 people we just have to hope the replacements aren't weak like them

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Kennedy: well that just happened we lost 4 people we just have to hope the replacements aren't weak like them.

Olivia: Why didn't you call them weak when they were here why did you say it when they left?! I thought we got weak of the fake bitch?

Kayleigh: Why do you love drama so much huh? You make a big deal out of the littlest things.

Olivia: No your sister is fake why did she not tell them that they are weak when they were right here?

Kennedy: If you are trying to pick a fight you better not try it with me, hun. -Her and Kayleigh goes upstairs-

Olivia's interview: I can't stand all these fake people urgh -rolls her eyes-

BAD GIRLS CLUB SISTERS EDITION  SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now