Marlee: You guys so I was thinking since it's so hot how about we go ice skating?? But Krystal and Kristina y'all can't come.
Krystal: Why.
Marlee: You're not even meant to be in my house so since you decided to stay you are not allowed to do any activity we do.
Narrator: The girls decided to take an ice skating trip but excluded Krystal and Kristina...
Krystal: Who says?
Marlee: I say and so does everyone else so bye.
Kristina: Whatever it's fine.
Kristina's interview: Fuck those hating ass bitches we don't need them to have fun.
Narrator: when the girls were out Haylee came up with an idea to get rid of Krystal and Kristina but Zoey and Nora didn't want to be a part of it...
Zoey's interview: So Haylee has this plan or I sea of getting rid of Kristina and Krystal but I don't want to be part of it that is their problem, not mine.
Nora: But we are not involved we like them.
Narrator: Meanwhile back at the house a new set of replacement sister arrived and Krystal and Kristina already filled them in on all the details but they weren't quick to judge...
Icelynn's interview: So I don't know if what Krystal and Kristina told us about the girls is true but I'm not going to just judge them because of what someone told me I will get to meet them first.
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Marley: WE ARE HOME!!
Icelynn: Hi Icelynn
Olivia: Oh hi didn't see you guys there I'm Olivia
Inessa: And I'm Inessa.
-Everyone introduces themselves-
Krystal: So why where you guys shouting our names?
Haylee: It's time to go bitches.
Kristina: We are not leaving.
Leah: Wanna bet?
Nora: Guys we are not involved.
Olivia: You bitches are next talking bout "we are not involved" get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
-Marlee and Haylee start throwing Krystal and Kristina suitcases down the stairs-
Marlee: Get out my house!! -Throws their makeup as well-