#9 She is my Personal Organizer

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"Cinderella?" I shook her again, but she didn't move or open her eyes.

Her head started to roll to a side and I supported her so that her head rested just above my heart.

I should have considered it very, very carefully before taking someone like her.

I picked her up from the floor and hurried outside to the sick room.


Is this a dream?

I wondered as Michael gathered me in his hands and hurried through the busy hallway.

I wondered as Michael gathered me in his hands and hurried through the busy hallway

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No...It cannot be, I can hear his steady heartbeat, I can feel his strong muscular arms wrapped around me carefully.

I closed my eyes tightly and sink more to him if it was even possible- and laid there feeling content.

I have to tell you that Michael really is better than a painkiller as I couldn't even feel any pain anymore.

I opened my eyes a Milli-fraction and peered at his slightly worried look as he was explaining to the nurse what has happened.

"Here bring her here," the Nurse told him from the bedside.

"Cinderella! Are you awake!?" Michael caught me peering at him and placed me on the bed, then picked up my bag and started to go through it in a hurry.

"Where's your inhaler? Are you okay?" He asked me as I stared at him.

"Inhaler is in another bag, I just... changed the bag this morning..." I dragged off slowly as he gave me an angry look.

"Who in their right mind will forget to take their inhaler?" He looked incredulous.

"I think she's not having any attacks now," the Nurse said while examining me.

"Is there anything wrong with her?"

"Nothing to worry, she just put pressure on the injured foot, that's all, we will have to see an Ortho just to be sure," she looked at him.

Michael sighed and straightened, his face turned back to the cool expression.

"Then I will leave her to you-"

"Uh... you are not staying?" I looked at him.

He gave me a look.


"Call me, Ella," I pouted. He sighed.

"Ella, unless you haven't noticed, I am quite busy," he told me patiently. "If you don't want to get kicked out of the project group, don't cause any more trouble and recover first," he took his phone and walked out of the room.

"Whoa! He's quite rude," the nurse turned to me and said sympathetically.

"No, he is not!" I gave her a look. "He just told me to recover fast," I said.

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