#29 She is someone I want to protect

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"Michael, don't skip your dinner and don't work too hard, give time to yourself and chill," Jenni started with her usual advice on our way to the station.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I am a little bit relieved this time as Ella is here, I can always contact her for information."

"Uncle Mike, Give this to Auntie Ella, Jinu and I drew it,"

Jiji showed me a file.

"Keep it in the seat pocket," I said while turning to the station road.

Ella had sent them a bag full of toys and other gifts that had made it difficult for Jenni to pack as the twins refused to leave it back.

"You should have waited until this weekend. How are you going to manage the luggage and the kids?" I was worried about them travelling alone.

"Stop frowning, Mike, I contacted Andrews Mom and Dad, they will be in the station to pick us up."

"Take care of the kids well."

"You take care of yourself, we will be fine."

Her train was at 9 PM and I helped her to settle down. I had booked them a complete cabin with four seats with a gate that can be closed from inside in the AC couch so it was easier for them to settle down freely and safely.

When it was time for the departure, Jenni looked at me seriously.


"I know, I won't skip my meals and I will take care of myself well," I said and she smiled.

I hugged and kissed both Jinu and Jiji who kissed me back.

"Be good and don't worry your Mommy, okay?"

Both of them nodded.

"Then take care of her and keep an eye on her."

They nodded again while Jenni laughed.

I got up and turned to Jenni.

"Call me as soon as you reach there."

"We will be fine-" she stopped in shock as I hugged her gently.

"Take care," I whispered. "You are my only sister..."

Jenni patted my shoulder twice and the train jerked slowly.

I let go of her while she turned away and wiped the corner of her eyes.

"Hurry and get down," her voice trembled slightly. "The train is moving."

So I looked at them for the last time and walked out of there.

Jinu and Jiji waved at me until they vanished from my sight as the train picked up momentum.

My insides felt heavy as I walked back. Every time Jenni and the kids go back, it was difficult to adjust for the first few weeks.

But this time, I am relieved that at least Cinderella is still here in the college.


"I don't understand what I am doing here at this time," Jeeva complained as we worked.

I wanted to use the cyber station to work on Rijo's laptop and had dragged Jeeva out after coming from the station.

"I will be very busy the next week," I said. "I need to complete this as soon as possible."

"I wonder who is working for whom now," Jeeva turned to me. "I selected you to work for me, not the other way around!"

"You climbed two ranks up after I joined," I reminded him and he groaned.

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