#17 She is making my heart pound

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I played the violin for them while the twins listened.

I stopped and turned around to look at them and they clapped their hands.

"Now, try it, come on,"

I was listening to them playing when Jenni knocked and entered the room.

"Take a break." she said while placing the freshly cut fruit bowl on the table.

"Congratulations on getting back inside the project group, I am so happy for you." Jenni smiled.

"So am I!" I said honestly. "My team members even talked for me, I am starting to feel normal."

"So what's the next plan?" She asked me. "You know that Michael won't take any initiative, you would need a clear strategy to win him over." She winked.

"Um...actually...I do have something in my mind, but I am not very sure about it,"

"What's it?" Jenni looked interested.

"The year-end party is coming. It is hosted by the final years and they can invite anyone, but I don't know if Senior Michael will attend it."

"Then good luck with that, I am sure you can convince him." Jenni said and I smiled.

"This is for you, Ella." She took an envelope from a book on the table and gave it to me.

I opened the envelope and looked inside curiously.

I found a few bills of 500.

"That's your salary. It's been a month since you started to teach them," Jenni smiled.

I looked at her, now overwhelmed.

"Thank you for this, but I can't accept this, Jenni, I am doing this as a favour, Plus, I am enjoying playing music with the kids." I said sincerely.

"That's why I am paying you less," She said. "If you don't accept it, I cannot ask you to teach them," she said. "I know it's not much, Ella, you are Cinderella Adams, after all-"

"Hey! It's not like that! I seriously don't know why you should pay me when I am enjoying it here like this!" I exclaimed.

I looked at the fresh, wrinkle-free bills again. My heart was beating rather strangely.

"Are you sure that you want to...pay me?" I looked at her. "I mean, I really don't think you should."

"Of course, I am sure that I want this," Jenni laughed. "That's why I prepared it for you, silly." she added. "The kids love you, they are improving too."

My heart swelled in pride.

"Thank you so much." I said. "This is my first salary! Thank you so much Jenni!"

Jenni just smiled.

We heard the sound of bike and Jenni and I looked at each other mischievously.

Michael is back from his part-time job.

"Let's go." Jenni winked and I nodded.

This has become a routine now; I will have my lunch at college and come here to take Violin classes. I will stay till Michael is back after his works and leave when it's 7 or 7:30 pm.

"Michael," I waved at him enthusiastically while he placed the bike on the stand.

"Thank you for helping me to get back to the group." I said happily.

"It was not me." he shrugged dismissively.

"I heard that you broke the tie by voting for me," I smiled shyly. "I won't let you down, I promise, I will work hard and-"

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