[/PIP-BOY 3000]

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Jimin and Jungkook silently repaired a broken down Mister Handy, a maintenance and construction robot with multiple, multi-jointed appendages, which levitates with its powerful jet-powered engine. They are generally used as butlers, maintenance workers and sometimes as guards... but this one served cake, really bad stale cake.

"This isn't going to work." Jimin blurted out, slamming the wrench down on the workbench.

"Of course it is, we just need to adjust the —"

"No!" Jimin said, gritting his teeth, "not the damn robot, Jungkook..." he leaned across the table, lowering his voice to a whisper, making sure no one could hear him. "There's no way this plan is going to work."

Jungkook continued working, unphased by Jimin's lack of faith. "Not with that attitude." Frustration took over the Little One, aggressively picking up and slamming down tools.

"This is ridiculous."

That caught Jungkook's attention, his eyes averting quickly over to Jimin, who instantly sat straight. "Finding our father is ridiculous?"

This brought Jimin back down, of course Jungkook was right, he was just scared, projecting anger and not fear. "I know, that's not what I meant."

"We will be fine."

You never really knew what time of day it was if it wasn't for the clocks, no one has seen or experienced sunlight, apparently it's not the same as it used to be; now they just read what grass smelled and looked like, what clean fresh air felt like, how the sun was warm and relaxing.

During the Great War, it took no more than two hours for the nuclear warheads to change the face of the planet and affect life on Earth for many centuries to come. After the atomic fire had cleared, the surface of the Earth was very different.

Millions of buildings and cities were demolished or severely damaged, with only a few exceptions. Most of the plants that had once flourished on the Earth died as the Earth was changed from a diverse landscape to a barren and hot desert, radiation becoming a serious threat to what little life remained.

Lands across the world were turned into scorching wastelands that became filled with new dangers due to mutations in wildlife that altered many of the species, making them more dangerous than before... the wasteland remains a radioactive and war-torn desert, where life itself is a struggle.

Or so they are told.

"Ow!" Jimin whined as Jungkook locked the Pip-Boy 3000 onto his wrist. "It's lighter than I excepted."

Jungkook and Jimin started to adjust to the new device hanging around their wrists; the Pip-Boy 3000 is a pre-war electronic Personal Information Processor. The multifunction device has a large screen that displays the wearer's vitals, area maps, backpack inventory and a lengthy directory of items and their properties. It also includes a Geiger counter and a radio. Its screen doubles as a flashlight.

"Aish!" Jungkook groaned in pain as the pre-war shocked his arm. "Ugh."

"Listen. We don't have much time, once we let the radroaches out, we have exactly 10 minutes to get into the Overseer's office before the guards come after us, I will override the computer and open the underground tunnel to the vault door."

"How much longer?" Jimin fussed, constantly looking out the window, thinking people knew what they were up too but they have been preparing for this for weeks; they've collected Stimpaks, Rad-Away, non perishable foods, two guns and ammo. They even wore armoured Vault-Tec suits they took from storage, they supposedly helped fight against the radiation.

"3 minutes."

Jungkook could tell his little brother was nervous, that they could very well get caught and imprisoned, or worse, killed.

He too was nervous he couldn't deny that, the Pip-Boy on his wrist rattled as his body shook. "30 seconds..."

Jungkook took deep breathes, repeating the plan out loud for the both of them.

Kill Power to door.
Override computer.
Underground tunnel.
Kill power to stall guards.
Open vault door.

... Run."

"NOW!" Fear and adrenaline had the boys running with all their power and strength across the vault, they ran pass guards in full armour, going to kill the radroach infestation they set up as a diversion.

Jimin tripped over his feet, crashing to the ground, Jungkook pulled him up, holding onto him as they entered the Overseers office, both breathing heavily, sweat dripping down their faces, skewing their vision.

"Go, go, go, the computer. I got the door!" Jimin yelled pushing Jungkook towards the desk.

He hooked up his Pip-Boy to the terminal, instantly bypassing the Overseers password, but he was having trouble finding the access file to the underground tunnel.

He started to panic.

The sound of beeping on the keypad outside the door made everything worse.

Someone was trying to get in but couldn't because the power to the door was cut. Jimin ducked down, afraid to be seen by the guards outside the door. "Hurry!! what's the problem?!"

"I can't find the file!!!"

"What do you mean you can't find it! I thought you knew what you were looking for!"

Jungkook frantically started search keywords but nothing was coming up... until something caught his eye.

"Safehouse?" He double clicked the file, and the sound of air releasing beneath his feet had both of them cheering out of relief.

Jungkook and Jimin rushed through the underground tunnel after destroying the keypad, they had been running for 10 minutes down a narrow dark, damp, corridor. They took a sharp turn and there it was...

The Vault door with a single control panel.

With heaving chests, they approached the 1000 ton steel door, intimidated by its sheer size.

Jungkook reaches out and touched the cold steel, looking over at his little brother, looking into his eyes and saw a terrified teenager.

"I'm scared." He admitted, and Jungkook took one final breath in Vault 613.

"Yeah... me too."

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