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Nico's POV:

"Nico!" Annabeth yelled.
I looked up from a book about the underworld. "What?" I replied coldly, not wanting to deal with this.
"Percy's gone!" She yelled. It looked like she was at the verge of tears.
I raised an eyebrow. "And? He goes outside of camp all the time."
"He's been gone since last night," she looked at the sun, "and it's almost evening. Nico, have you seen him."
I shook my head before going back the the book.
I looked back up to her, "what?" I snapped. Unsure of what she wanted me to do.
"Help me find him!"
"I. Don't. Know. Where. He. Is." I said slowly.
She sighed, "Listen Di Angelo, I know you and Percy haven't always gotten along, but please, please tell me where he is,"
I blinked a few times. "Wait, you think this is my fault? Percy has plenty of enemies, I'm not even one of them anymore, you know that!"
"I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm asking for help."
"No, you asked me where he is, that sound a lot like an accusation to me."
"Can you just help me!" She sounded frustrated.
"Where have you looked?" I asked.
"Then I don't know how to help," I responded.
Annabeth, walked off, looking very angry, frustrated, and sad.
I put my book down, no longer able to concentrate on it. I did feel kinda bad for acting how I did. But It wasn't my problem, and I didn't do anything.
I stood up and walked inside my cabin. It had been finished about 2 weeks ago, but he still didn't like it. It felt cold and menacing. Not to mention lonely.
I sighed and sat down on my bed. Thinking.
Where could Percy be? Why would she blame me for his disappearance?
Sure I had been convinced to take vengeance a few years ago by... them... but Biancas ghost had told me to forgive Percy.
I shivered. Them. I hadn't ever told anyone about the months I had spent away from camp, not that they asked. They just assumed I was in the underworld the whole time.
My stomach aches in phantom pains. I still had the scars from that horrid clown. If it weren't for those, I'd think the whole experience was only an elaborate trick of the mist.
That house smelled like blood, constantly. I hadn't realized it then, but I would have been better off dead then in that house... going on missions... killing.
Then again? I felt like I'd be better off dead then in camp half blood.
I sighed. Maybe the creepypasta did bad things, really bad things, but some weren't necessarily bad people.
I was knocked out of my thoughts by someone knocking at the door. I walked over and opened up. "Yes?"
Of course, it was Annabeth. "I'm going. I was told to look for someone with one shoe. And you," she pointed at me, "aren't going to leave camp. Got it?"
"Cause I want to know where you are,"
"Because why?!" I said, exasperated.
"Just because!" With that, she walked towards the Pegasus stables.
I shut the door. Stay in camp my ass, no one wants me here.
I walked to the darkest corner of my cabin and shadow traveled to some place unknown.
I stumbled, feeling dizzy from the travel. I blinked a few times and looked around.
I was in the middle of a road, in a small, quiet neighborhood by the woods. Looked like New Jersey, or upstate New York.
The sun was setting quick and I looked around. Maybe someone would let me spend the night in a guest bedroom or something.
As the moon was beginning to rise, I walked to the closest house and was about to knock, when the stench hit me. I immediately covered my nose and looked around. A house, across the street and about three houses down, had a door open.
I slowly crossed to the house and left ones inside hesitantly. Sure enough, the smell was stronger here.
Blood. That was the smell. Blood and rotting corpses. I bit my lip and entered the house quietly, curiously sneaking towards the cause of the scent.
I came to a closed door, to what looked like a bedroom, and quiet as a mouse, opened the door.
From what I could tell in the dark, someone was lying in the bed, and someone else was sitting on the floor.
Then I heard it. The sickening squish of something I had only heard once before.
My heart doubled in speed, and in a panic, I slammed the door, forgetting about stealth.
No no no no no no no no no.
   The doorknob started turning and I grabbed it, trying to keep him from getting out. Shit, it was still turning.
   I let go and ran outside then around the house. The person in the bed, were they- no, they must be. Whoever they are, they're dead.
   I tried to shadow travel but just fell. I heard footsteps approaching, fast. I got back up and ran into a shed in the back yard. After I was in the shed, I unsheathes my sword and gripped it tightly in my hand.
   I waited. After a minute of silence, I  started trembling, fatigue replacing the adrenaline. I was gonna wait another few minutes then see if the coast was-
   The door handle turned. I stiffened and adjusted my fighting stance.
I'll have to fight. There's not a chance he'll recognize me, I've never even talked to him.
   The door opened and I held my breath. There was no one on the other side.
   "What?" I whispered. Was he behind the door? I was still for a moment.
   My heart dropped at the ear splitting sound of glass breaking. I turned around, but it was too late.
   He tackled me to the ground and held my neck to the floor.
   I gasped in a futile attempt for air, but to no avail. I grabbed his wrist, trying to pry his fingers from my neck. His sharp claws threatening to draw blood.
   I looked up at the dreaded mask of his. The royal blue color only disturbed by two black holes.
   I let go of his wrist and reached for my sword. He kicked it away before I could reach it. But even after he kicked it away, his gaze lingered in the sword.
   I tried to get him to let go again, but failed.
I'm dead. I thought.
   He then looked at me, and reached into the pocket of his hoodie, grabbing a scalpel.
   If I wasn't panicked before, I was now. In a mix of panic and adrenaline, I tried one last desperate attempt to use my powers.
   The room darkened and I heard bones.
   The eyeless killer was pulled off of me my two skeletons. I gasped for air, and stumbled to my feet, back omg away from him.
   Now EJ was the one being held down. Two skeletons were on top of him. I picked up my sword and looked at EJ wearily, aware of the skeletons drawing on my strength.
   He looked up at me, then cocked his head.
   "Nico?" He asked.
   I was gone. I ran out and fled into the forest. Letting to of the skeletons when I was sure I was sufficiently lost.
   My lunges burned, my legs ached, and my heart was still beating like crazy. "What was too close," I whispered. Adrenaline starting to die.
   I looked up at the tree I was next to, then started to climb it. After I was rather high up, I found a safe spot to sit. I stayed there for a bit, before sleep overtook me.
   And with sleep,

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