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   Nico's POV:

   I was alone in the dark. No sound. No one else. Nothing but me.
   I looked around for what seemed like forever, then, to my relief, I saw someone in the distance. I started running towards them, calling out.
   "Hey! Hey! Who are you? Why is it so dark?" I called out.
   The person turned around. It was Percy. I slowed to a stop.
   "Nico?" He asked.
   I nodded slowly, "Uh, yeah. Where are we?" I asked.
   He opened his mouth, but before he could answer, I heard screeching. We both covered our ears. I looked around, and eventually looked back at percy, only, he was gone. I blinked a few times, and uncovered my ears upon noticing everything was quiet yet again.
   I had nothing to do but keep walking. After a while, I heard the distant wailing of sirens, blue and red lights just in my view. I ran towards the lights and found myself in a small neighborhood. With police cars surrounding the house. I approached an officer.
   "Hello, sir, could you tell me what happened here?" I asked.
   He turned towards me. But he wasn't an officer. He was Eyeless Jack.
   I tried to run away but he grabbed my neck. I struggled to no avail. Everything was getting dark. I felt blood under me. It all went black.
   I lurched forward breathing hard, almost falling off the tree I was on. My hand flew to my neck and my heart nearly stopped when I felt dried blood. But I calmed when I remembered it wasn't mine. It was the person that EJ had killed.
I lay my back on the tree, rubbing the crusty blood off in disgust.
After about 15 minutes, I was confident it was all gone. I looked up at the sky through the trees. It was still night. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me and tried to fall back asleep.
I had nearly drifted off yet again when I started to hear voices in the distance. I slowly cracked my eyes open, pissed at the interruption. I noticed the voices coming closer. It was two people. Maybe officers inspecting the area? With that in mind, I climbed a bit higher in the tree, not wanting to be seen. Then I noticed, the voices weren't coming from the neighborhood... they were coming from the woods. I drew my knees to my chest, hugging my legs, wanting to stay as invisible as possible.
   The voices came closer. My heart pounded faster with each step they took. The figures soon came into my line of sight and my breath caught in my throat. "Oh my gods," I whispered.
   I held my breath, staring in panic and horror at the two people that crossed right beneath my tree. It was them. More of them. More creepypastas.
Maybe I should have stayed at camp.
   I silently watched the creepypastas Ticci Toby, and Ben Drowned walk around underneath my hiding place.
   I looked at Toby, he looked a bit older, that was expected, it had beer 3 years.
   Then I looked at Ben. But looked away as soon as I did. I still didn't know how to react about what happened when I last saw him. I had felt confused, flustered, surprised, and nervous when it had happened. And all those feelings were coming back to me.
   I shut my eyes, pretending they weren't there. Suddenly, I heard more footsteps, coming from the opposite direction.
   Ben and Toby swore and quietly went back and hid in the bushes.
   After a few minutes, three cops were in view. And unfortunately for me, one of them looked up.
   "Hey kid, what are you doing up there?" He asked. Te other two looked up and there was no way I was hidden now.
   "I'm trying to sleep," I answered, uncurling myself from the ball I formed and climbing a bit lower.
   "Well can you come down?" A female cop asked.
   I responded by climbing the rest of the way down and looking at them.
   "Why were you sleeping up there?" She asked.
   "I'm homeless," I lied, keeping a straight face.
   The third officer sighed, "The world today," he muttered, "Where are your parents?" He asked.
   "They're dead," Another lie... sort of.
   I could see the sympathy in the female officers eyes. "Oh dear,"
   The first officer cleared his throat, "Well that's a shame. But it's probably best not to sleep in these woods. There have been many disappearances here."
   I nodded. "Okay, thanks, I'll sleep somewhere else," I said, starting to walk past them.
   The third officer walked in front of me, "I'm sorry sir, but we cannot let you leave."
   I narrowed my eyes, "Why?" I asked. Hoping he wasn't going to saw what I thought he was.
   "There was a murder in the area a few hours ago and we're going to have to question you,"
   I already knew this. EJ had killed someone, that was old news. But I widened my eyes nonetheless, faking surprise. "W-what?" I asked.
   He explained the situation with as little detail as possible. I agreed to come to the station so they could question me, though on the inside, I was pissed, knowing I didn't do it.
   They started to lead me out of the forest.
   After a few steps, I looked behind myself at the bush Ben and Toby his in.
   I made eye contact with Ben. I looked away as soon as it happened but it still felt like eternity.
   So much for staying invisible.

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