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month one of the contract

My hands won't stop shaking, despite how hard I'm clenching them into fists in my lap

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My hands won't stop shaking, despite how hard I'm clenching them into fists in my lap. The conference room is cold and it makes me wish I'd worn something warmer today. However, my hands aren't shaking from the cold, considering it's mid June in New York City, but rather from nerves. I'm completely terrified.

I'm sitting in a slightly uncomfortable, plastic chair which rests in front of a long, marble table. Even I can tell how expensive the piece is and am careful not to touch it to avoid getting fingerprints all over it's smooth surface. Mr. Tyler sits directly across from me, his serious face looking brighter than usual. He slides a thick stack of papers across the table towards me. It's my employee contract. I know exactly what it says seeing as I've read it over at least six times. Only now, it's signed.

I've officially signed myself over to a rock band called Sinful for the next twelve months of my life. A whole freaking year. I've taken over the position of the bands personal assistant after their last assistant quit. This is precisely why I'm so scared.

Sinful is well known for the their unruly behaviour; bar fights, scandals, drugs, you name it, they've done it. This isn't hard to believe considering the band members are all only in their twenties. They're young, dumb and not to mention, rich.

Besides, I'm not new to the music world. Previously, I worked for another band for an entire two years. Except that was a girl band, so this really feels like new territory to me. Mike Tyler, the bands manager of four years, stands to his full height and beams down at me.

"I suppose it's time to introduce you to the band, Ellie," Says Mike. "You have no idea how lucky we are to have found you. The band has been practically falling apart without a P.A," He jokes, rolling his eyes, and motions for me to follow him. I stand quickly, blowing out a breath and straightening the skirt I picked out this morning. This is the part I'm most nervous for. We walk down a long hallway and into a new room nearly identical to the last one.

"They should be right around - here they are! Boys, there is someone here that I'd like you all to meet." I stare up at the four figures in front of me blankly, unsure of what to do. Thankfully Mr. Tyler speaks up first. "Meet your new personal assistant, Ellie Davis." He places a firm hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

I continue to stare at them, unable to speak. Two boys are standing in front of the long table while the other two lean up against it. All four members are tall, like super tall, not that I'm surprised. I'd done tons of research on the band before this meeting to prepare.

I look first at Jackson Smith, Jax for short. Lead guitarist and notorious womanizer. Girls line up at every concert for a chance to go home with him. He must be atleast 6'5 and is easily the tallest of all the band members. Jax's messy, dirty blond hair and guarded eyes give him a dangerous look. He gives me a crooked smirk and I can't help but think about all of his scandals I'd read about in the news. Girls, drugs, car wrecks; you name it, he's done it. Out of the four of them, Jax seemed to be the most reckless.

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