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month one of contract

The bus ride home, although only ten minutes, feels painfully slow

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The bus ride home, although only ten minutes, feels painfully slow. Apart from being pressed against multiple people because of how packed the bus is, my mind is at war with itself.

Part of me wants to do anything I can to get the band to like me. Alhough, seeing as something as simple as my height seems to be a big issue for a certain member, I can't really do that. I doubt I'll be winning him over with my personality any time soon based on how things are currently playing out.

The other part of me wants to give Sinful the middle finger and kick them where it hurts. Metaphorically, of course. I desperately need this job. All day, I've been racking my brain searching for clues on what I possibly could have done to make them hate me.

Obviously, by band, I mean specifically Maddox freaking Miller. The realization makes me want to throw myself into moving traffic.

Really, Ellie? That's pathetic.

Maddox is an asshole, I decide as if it wasn't already obvious. Two can play at the "I hate you for no reason game". I nervously bite my lip as I stare out of the bus window, well aware that I, in fact, am not good at playing that game. I've never been good at standing up for myself. In Teagan's poetic words: I'm a human doormat.

Before I can give it much more thought, the bus is pulling up to my stop and I quickly walk home on auto pilot.

My keys jingle as I open the front door to my apartment. As I step inside, a heavy sigh leaves my lips. The day's events have finally caught up to me and I can't wait to get into bed tonight.

"Hey!" Maia's chirpy greeting makes me jump. "How was the radio show?" She asks from her seat on the couch.

I turn to face her and offer a small unenthusiastic shrug.

"It was alright," I say. "A little boring, but I didn't expect a radio show to really be all that life changing." I try to joke.

She gives me a bright smile and readjusts the way she's sitting. I pull my black heels off and toss them into the small coat closet by the door.

"Oh come on, spill!" She prompts. "I can tell there's more to that story."

Maia pats the spot next to her as an invitation and I sit without hesitation. She turns to face me and folds her legs underneath her.

"What's everyone like?" She asks curiously. "Do you have a favourite band member yet?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

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