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month one of the contract

"I'm home!" I call out dramatically as soon as I enter the apartment

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"I'm home!" I call out dramatically as soon as I enter the apartment. Loud footsteps and a crash can be heard coming down our short hallway. The crash gives away who's approaching. Blaire. My best friend.

Blaire and I have known each other since the first grade. One day at lunch, a second grader stole my juice box. Immediately, I started crying. Blaire stepped in to rescue me by punching the kid straight in the jaw. I got my juice back and B got suspended.

Thank god she was such a genius in school. Considering all the trouble she got into over the years, she probably wouldn't have graduated otherwise.

Even at six years old she'd been fierce. Fierce, but also the clumsiest person I'd ever met in my lifetime. Blaire didn't often think before jumping into action which over the years had resulted in quite a few injuries.

She rounds the corner, out of breath, and stops in front of me. She's taller than me, always has been, but is still by no means tall. It's one of the things that makes her so scary when she's angry. Even though she's small, she can do major damage.

I've always been jealous of her dark hair and lashes. Where I'm pale, she is golden brown as a result of her Persian ancestry. Blaire is stunning in every sense of the word.

"How was it? Did you meet everyone? Is Franklin okay?" Her questions fly at me in rapid succession and I struggle to keep up.

"Good, yes, and Franklin is just fine," I answer (Franklin being her beloved car, of course).

"And?" She prompts knowingly.

"And what?" I ask innocently, blinking up at her.

"Are they as hot as people say?" She practically shrieks. I'd nearly forgotten that Blaire was a fan of Sinful, or more accurately, a fan of the band members.

"You've seen their pictures, B," I mumble, ducking under her arm and heading into the living room.

"Yes, but seeing them in person is an entirely different experience." She reminds me. I giggle.

" Yes," I whisper, my cheeks heating up in the process. "They were all very handsome." She rolls her eyes at my use of the word "handsome" but claps her hands in satisfaction nonetheless.

As I flop down on our couch I notice our other roommate Maia sitting in a chair across the room.

"Hey Maia." I greet her with a small smile.

"Hey Ellie, congrats on the new job," She responds as bubbly as ever. "The Four Raging Sins members are so hot." She puts emphasis on the word "so". I roll my eyes in mock annoyance, but my lips twitch into a smile nonetheless.

"Not you too." I groan. She merely shrugs in response.

Blaire and I met Maia two years ago when we moved out to New York together. Maia is a nursing student and was looking for an apartment close to campus, so everything worked out perfectly. We all get along great, but Maia is often in class or with her school friends.

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