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e l l i e
month one of the contract

I ride the elevator to the top floor with Jax, Gray, and Theo

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I ride the elevator to the top floor with Jax, Gray, and Theo. I can't stop myself from replaying what just happened in the lobby over and over again in my mind. There is no way that Maddox Miller is willing to drive me to and from work everyday. That's insane. He's probably just trying to make me uncomfortable enough that I quit. I shake my head and try not to think about it any longer. Still, the image of his smirking face is burned into my brain whether I like it or not.

The boys mess around the entire elevator ride. By the time we reach the correct floor, Jax is gripping Gray's arms and Theo has his legs as they hold him above the ground. They start to swing him back and forth just as the doors are opening.

"This is assault!" Gray yells and I stifle a giggle at their antics. "Ellie, Elle, sweetheart, sugar plum . . . please help me?" He pleads as the boys begin to carry him out of the elevator. I shrug my shoulders and smile innocently as if to say that there is nothing I can do.

They're acting like children and while it's super entertaining, I'm also extremely surprised. All of the members seem so much more intimidating in their photo shoots and music videos. In reality, they are (almost) all eight years old at heart.

The boys drop Gray unceremoniously on the floor of the hallway and I quickly take a moment to look around. From what I've been told, Mike Tyler owns at least three more studios around the city, but keeps his primary office here.

I look around in awe. The top floor is apparently where the recording studios and practice rooms are. As a result, the boys and Mike are typically the only ones up here on a regular day. Although, just like the lobby, everything looks so . . . expensive. Even the hallway looks fancy. There are modern chairs and pieces of artwork scattered decoratively throughout the hall.

Maddox is no where in sight, but I refuse to admit to myself that he was the first thing I looked for when the elevator doors opened.

"Ready to see your office, sugar?" Jax asks with a smirk. He is clearly finding my admiration for the building amusing.

Freaking rich people, I think childishly.

"Y-yeah," I mumble uncertainly. I had no idea I would be getting my own office. I'd just assumed I would be forced to share with other team members.

I don't have much time to internally celebrate since Gray has already started to drag me down the hall.

"It's right next to the practice room," Gray explains while he tugs me along behind him. "Bathroom is down the hall to the left and there's a coffee machine in that break room over there," He continues and gestures blindly in the direction of the room he's talking about.

He stops abruptly in front of a door causing me to crash into his back. I step back and rub my forehead from the impact. Normally I would feel embarrassed, but I think I'm starting to get used to Gray's jumpy and hyperactive personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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