Chapter 2

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We started walking to the shop.

"I haven't seen you around, did you move here?" I asked Jaeden

"I actually an actor, I'm here filming a movie here" he answered

I was taken aback I didn't expect that.
"Nice, so what are you filming for" I question

"I not suppose to tell anyone yet but promise you won't tell anybody"

"I promise" I said giving him a sincere smile.

"Were filming the it remake"

"That's so cool" I wanted to know some more but he already told me the name of the movie and he wants supposed to so I let it go.
"So are you a really good actor" I asked him.

"See for yourself" he then tensed up his face and his face went really red.

"I that how you act constipated" I asked

"He turned to me a second later with tears streaming down his face.

"Wow that must be really handy for scenes" I said impressed

"I practised for so long"

"Just how do you practise crying" I asked.

"Just think of something sad, I think of my pet dying, I know it's a bit morbid but it works" he looked over to me " I could teach you think of something that makes you sad"

I thought about my parents fighting all the time and my best friend moved away.

" maybe be we'll practice a different day" I didn't want to talk about it to him. We just meet.

I looked and saw the shop up ahead.

"I should probably get going" I told Jaeden

"Before you could I get your number"

"Ya, let me get a pen" i rummaged through my bag and found a pen. I wrote out my name and number out on his hand.

"I'll text you soon"

"Ok, see you soon" I said while waving at him.

I started to walk home. Once I reached my house I slowly opened the door, I didn't hear any arguments so I walked inside. I left my bag and shoes by the front door and watched some netflix.

《》《 Jaeden p.o.v 》《》

I walked onto set,  Jack sprinted towards me.

"Where are my sour patch kids!" He screamed

"Calm down" I grabbed the box out of my backpack and handed it to him. Jack then grabbed my hand

"y/n" he smirked at me.

"I didnt know how to get to the shop she walked me there calm down" I stated " I going to put my backpack in my trailer"

I walked inside the trailer and left my bag on the couch, I then took out my phone and added y/n as a contact and walked back to the main stage.

" I heard you got more then just sour patch kids on your little excursion" finn said smugly

I rolled my eyes at him.

"So who is this y/n"

When Finn said her name 

That's when I felt it


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

♡ Darling ♡ Jaeden WesleyWhere stories live. Discover now