Chapter 20

805 20 5

Y/n pov

I'm going to win Jaeden back, I have a plan and I know it's going to work.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, got up from my bed and headed out the door.

As I reached the set entrance, my whole body froze.  I walked up to the booth and the man let me in.

I walked across the sets and went to Jaeden trailer.

"What are you doing here" I heard a soft voice from behind me. I spun around to see Jacks sad face.

"I want to see Jaeden" I said confidently.

"Y/n, you know he doesn't want to see you" he was still talking softly.

I could feel tears threading to fall.

"I just need to apologise" I started violently shaking my head as Jack took slow steps towards me.

"Y/n, you need to leave" his voice becoming less calming.

At this point tears were streaming down my face. I slowly backed away from Jack and glanced around.

"Tell him I'm sorry, please" I turned and ran, I rushed out the main gates and back to my secret place in the park. I fell on the soft grass and cried into my hands.

It was starting to get dark, I looked up at the sky as the stars slowly started to appear. The same stars Jaeden and I snuggled under just 2 nights ago. Isn't it funny how quickly everything turns to shit.

I sat back up and watched the moonlight twinkle across the river.

The only other person I showed this place to was her, my best friend. I would have told her everything that has happened and she would hold me while I cried. I wish we still talked. She would know how to fix all of this but right now I have nobody, no friends.

I walked across the bridge, home.

The Next day.

I'm not going to stop trying to get Jaeden back, I heard a ding from my phone.

Sophia mia 🤘

Sophia mia🤘: Why were you at set yesterday.

Me: Please just tell jaeden that I'm sorry.

Sophia mia 🤘:A sorry is not going to cut it

Me: Sophia, please
Message not sent

Me: no
Message not sent

Sophia mia 🤘 has blocked you

Jackie 🤯 has blocked you.

Wy not has blocked you.

Finnese has blocked you.

Germ(me) has blocked you.

Chosen the chopping board 😂🐷 has blocked you.

Jaeden ❤💋 has blocked you.


Word count: 410

Sid you guys like this chapter? Please send feedback because I feel this was actually a good chapter.

Thanks for reading ❤

♡ Darling ♡ Jaeden WesleyWhere stories live. Discover now