Chapter 24

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《》《Y/n pov》《》

We talked for a while, I learned all about him.

"Ok, I have to get going" he checked his phone. "But maybe I could get your phone number" he asked shyly

"Of course" I handed him my phone. He tapped in a few digits and handed it back to me.

"I'll see you soon" he said and then left.

I started to walk home, Bf/ns plan isn't working, I'm still mad at that girl that was with Jaeden. Maybe after a few days.

I got into my house flung off my shoes, turned on Netflix and browsed some shows, I was so bored.

My parents texted said they would be home late and I wasn't in the mood cook dinner so I had a bowl of cereal and went up to bed.

* The next day *

My alarm buzzed, annoying me and pressed the snooze button and layed in bed for a while. I scrolled through Instagram, a few photos came up with Jaeden and the cast. Yes, I still follow them. They might not want to be friends but I still support them.

I got out of bed and took a shower. I started to sing along to the music from my speaker. I got out of the shower and threw a towel around my body.

I got changed and did my hair. I pulled out my phone and texted Nicholas asking him if he wanted to go out.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs to get breakfast. I cooked some scrambled eggs with toast and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

I hear a ding as I set my plate down on the counter.

°• text conversation •°

Ya, sure I'm free all day today.

Perfect, how about Olive garden
at 2

Great 😀 See you there.

°• End of text conversation •°

I checked the time, it was currently 11:30 and I was already ready except to change my outfit more date appropriate. But for now I was fine.

I finished my meal, washed up and sat down in front of the tv. I spent the next 45 minutes watching old glee reruns. Let me just say what a crazy show.

I ran up the stairs and changed my outfit to this.

(Change if you want 😊)

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(Change if you want 😊)

I put on some light makeup and hopped out the door.

I arrived at the restaurant five minutes early so I found us nice seats beside the window.

He walked in the door about 10 minutes later.

"Sorry I'm late, something came up last minute" he apologised and sat across from me in the booth.

"Don't worry about it" I grinned.

The waiter came up to the table and took our order.

"I'll have the chicken parmigiana and a 7-up, please" I smiled

"And I'll take the spaghetti with meat sauce" Nicholas said ,the waiter took the menus off of us. "Thanks"

"So tell me what you are like" Nicholas turned his attention towards me.

"Well my name is Y/n L/n and my birthday is...."

We talked throughout the meal and learned about each other. He is so sweet and kind.

"I know this great ice cream place, you want to go" he suggested, his eyebrows raised.

I quickly agreed, we paid the bill and started to walk to the ice cream place.

We walked into this super decorated place, there was ice cream decorations everywhere and the walls were painted in bright neons that hurt my eyes. My eyes scanned around the room and they landed on a sign with the face cut so you could put your head in and take photos in.

"I'm getting a photo of you in that" I giggled to Nicholas.

"Only if you do it as well" he smirked.

I sighed, but agreed I wanted that photo.

We ordered our ice cream and went over to the sign.

I ushered Nicholas over to it first. He stuck his head through the hole and gave me a wide smile.

I quickly snapped a photo. " Your turn" he smiled.

"I think my ice cream is going to melt so I'd better not" I breathed.

He raised his brows me.

°•  Later •°

Nicholas walked me to my door.

"I had a good time today, we should do it again sometime" I said while opening the to my house.

"Defiantly" he grinned.

We said out goodbyes.


Word count: 740

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