Chapter 26

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《》《Jaedens pov》《》

I walked into the kitchen where Finn and Sophia were playing catch with an apple.

"Did you guys talk to Y/n after we broke up?"

"Ya" Finn grabbed the apple off Sophia and took at bite.

"Why?" I rested my elbows on the table.

"She kept trying to see you and we had to make her stop because she hurt you and we didnt want you to be more sad" Sophia said simply.

"Did you ever think maybe she was sad too?" I mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Sophia said confused but angry.

"Well, we were talking and"

"I'm sorry, ye were talking" Finns eyebrows furrowed. "Why would ye be doing that."

"That doesn't matter, but we were talking and she seems really sorry and she was so sad and you guys acted like she was trash, it isn't acceptable." I shouted at them.

"Jaeden, we were only trying to keep you safe because we all care about you and you were such a mess, are you going to tell us that seeing her would have made you feel better about yourself" Sophia argued.

"It probably wouldn't but she has feelings and you just forgot that" I stormed out of the room.

~~ Later ~~

"Knock, knock, can I come in" I heard Wyatt say from the other side of the door.

"Ya, sure" i muttered from my bed.

"Are you... ok?" He asked confused. "Sophia and Finn told me what happened"

"Wow, they like to live my life for me, don't they?" I snapped.

"They're just looking out for you, you know that, so why are you actually mad" Wyatt sat beside me on the bed.

"It's Y/n, I went to her house today because I found out she went on a date with Nicholas"

"What?" Wyatt said shocked.

"That's what I was like so I went to her house and asked her if it was some elaborate plan to make me jealous. She said no and told me she has been a mess ever since we broke up and how sorry she was, and that she had been trying to talk to me for a week after we broke up. She said she is happy again now that she is with Nicholas" I sighed after I finished telling him everything.


"I want to be the one that makes her happy, I want to be with her again"

"What? Jaeden she cheated on you, are you just going to let that slide"

"No but she has said sorry a million times, what else can she do and even if I can't be her boyfriend, I at least want to be her friend"

"Look, I don't think this is the the best idea and I don't want you to get hurt again, but if this is what you want I will support you" Wyatt pulled me into a hug. "Now, I think there's a few people downstairs who deserve an apology."

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