The Beginning

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It all begins on a small planet not to far from earth. The people there were known as titans and were best known for their extraordinary abilities. The titans had become a threat to the evil robot army and its leader Voltar. Voltar was a robot made of an unbreakable metal and was one of the most feared beings to ever exist. Voltar planned on taking out the titan race so no one could pose a threat to him and his army. He planned out an attack that would wipe out the titans for good. He set up the strongest army he could and set out to the titan planet. The titans were warned about this attack and prepared their own plan. They sent out the Grand Titan which was the strongest and oldest titan to find a new planet and find new warriors to fight if the titans could not win the battle. Shortly after the Grand Titan was sent off to earth in a pod Voltar arrived with hundreds of ships full of his minions prepared to win the battle. He started off with shooting rockets down on them before letting the army out to fight and kill the titans. The Grand Titan could do nothing but watch from the pod window. Slowly the titans were getting wiped out and couldn't stand a chance but at the corner of Voltar's eye he sees a pod flying away and decided to track it. He slams his fist on a desk and yells "find me that pod and when these titans are all killed chase it down we cannot let any of them escape." The pod had reached earth and the Grand Titan stepped out of it he used his power to sense any people that had a pure soul and would help him in his time of need. He found 4 men that he believed could help. He shared some of his power with them and told them to find students and train them before Voltar arrived. The 4 sensei set out to find students that they trusted and thought would be suitable heroes for this mission. The first sensei to be sent off was Roshi and he had students he trusted do to an old job at a school he had. He called his students and asked them to meet with him. The students names were Donie and his twin brother Ronie. There was also Jon, William, and Jerry. These 5 students were all very good friends of Roshi and were ready to help him. Roshi stood in front of them with a serious face "listen students we are in danger and I need your help."

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