The First Attack

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Shortly after being warned about the robots coming screaming starts to be heard outside the room the students are in. Ronie runs out the door and looks at the sky "yeah you weren't kidding when you said robots." The other students stood near the door in shock. Roshi pointed at the robots "you must go my students the people need you." Ronie was the only one to run out "come on losers people are being hurt" the other 4 boys were slightly scared but followed after Ronie to help him. Donie looked at his friends "alright look I know we just got these powers and we don't exactly know how to use them but we have to protect the people here this is why we were chosen. Protect the people at all cost and keep those robots back." The students were doing a good job for only having their powers for a couple minutes they managed to hold back the robots though this time it was only a few of them and not the full robot army. "This is to easy how did the whole race get killed by these pathetic robots?" Ronie says as he crushes a robots head. Donie slams a robot to the ground and looks at his brother "Just focus alright we have to be careful." The students look up and see a bigger robot hovering down towards them it was Voltar. Voltar landed on the ground and laughed "you are supposed to be the one's to stop me? I took out a whole race of titans I can easily kill you kids." Ronie turned around in anger looking at Voltar "so this is the big guy this should be easy." Donie looks at his brother "hey stick to the plan Ronie this guy is way to strong for us we have to fight together." Ronie started to run towards Voltar ready to throw a punch "I'll end this right now you stupid hunk of metal." Voltar stands still "pathetic" Voltar's hand becomes a blade and when Ronie comes close Voltar slashes Ronie's face "you really thought that was gonna work child?" Voltar starts to hover back into the air "you clearly aren't the ones the Grand Titan had trained to kill me I'll spare your lives for now" he flew away from the city. Donie runs up to his brother worried "Ronie are you okay?" Ronie pushes his brother away and gets up. Donie noticed a scar on Ronie's face as he looked at his brother. "Get away from me brother" Ronie turned around and ran away. When Donie tried to run after him Roshi stopped him "you must not go that way the army fled with Voltar and its not safe we will get your brother back soon let's get back you must train and get stronger." Tears ran down Donie's eyes as he couldn't see his brother anymore.  The other boys gathered around Donie and helped him up. William smiled at him "come on Donie we did good today we'll find Ronie soon don't worry." The boys walked back and started to follow Roshi.

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