Learning your Powers

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Donie looked at his sensei "what is it? You know we're always here to help just say it." Roshi nodded "you see this may sound crazy but we are soon gonna be attacked by a robot army who's plans are to wipe us out completely." The 5 students all looked at each other in shock. Ronie says"You know we're just teenagers right we can't fight an army." Roshi says "I understand and that's why you will all be given powers that will help you stand a chance to defend our planet." Ronie says "powers you really think we're stupid enough to believe that? You've gone crazy Roshi." Roshi stands up and walks in front of Ronie "stay calm my student you will be first to be given this power." A blue aura comes out of Roshi's hand and is passed through Ronie's body and Ronie starts to feel stronger. Roshi puts his hand down and looks at Ronie "you have been given the power of extreme strength why don't you try and break that concrete." Ronie walks to the concrete slab near him feeling stronger and more confident "if this breaks my hand I'm gonna be pissed" he easily punches through the concrete and snaps it in half. "How I didn't even hit that hard" Ronie looks at his fist and back at Roshi. Roshi gestured Donie to stand up "you are next Donie and like your brother you will be given extreme strength." Donie stands up in front of Roshi and the same blue aura travels around Donie. Roshi points at another piece of concrete "go on my student." Donie walks up to the concrete and snaps it in half with ease and a bright smile comes to his face "woah this is awesome!" "Now for you Jon and Jerry you are the smartest people I know so you will be given hyper intelligence you" Roshi signals the two to come up to him. Jon stands first but this time the aura only goes around his head the aura then passes through Jerry's head and back to Roshi's hands. Roshi looks at the two "not only do you have maximum intelligence but you can also move things with your mind I want you two to focus and pick up your seats with your mind." The two boys focused and slowly the seats started to hover over the ground the two looked at each other and gave each other a high five but lost their focus doing this and the seats fell back down. Roshi nodded "good students now for you William you will be given the elemental power which allows you to create elements from your hands." Willam stands up and the aura flows through his hands "now fill up this cup with water just focus you can do it" Roshi holds up a cup in front of William. William focuses and puts his hand near the cup as he lifts his hand up water starts to appear inside the cup "no way this is awesome." A phone rings and Roshi picks up it was the Grand Titan "yes sensei?" Roshi says worried. The Grand Titan started to speak "Voltar is sending a warning to earth we need your boys to be ready and fight I hope you've given them their powers." The Grand Titan hangs up. Roshi looks at his students "I know this is early but we are about to have our first attack students be ready."

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