The Loss of A Sensei

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The boys were frightened and didn't know what was going to happen to them. "Well well what do we have here? I've never tortured Titans before this is gonna be great! What should I use? Knives, blades, fire, poison!" The scientist said as he looked at the two boys. Voltar changed the image on the ball showing the two boys in cages surrounded by fire and spikes. "Oh would you look at that, the scientist is about to start the show let's watch it together." The scientist smiled and did his signature evil laugh as he flipped a switch and the two cages began to move towards hundreds of spikes and spinning blades sharp enough to split them in half. The boys were scared and looked at each other thinking it was the end for them. Roshi rushed through the door and looked at Voltar. "Donie go and get the other two and run away as fast you can hurry up! I'll handle him while you do." Donie nodded and ran downstairs where the others had been caged and looked at the scientist. "You will not ruin my fun boy!" The scientist ran away into a corridor but Donie decided not to follow him and quickly ran to the cages pulling as hard as he could to break them open. Eventually he broke the cages and the two managed to get out before getting hurt. "Quick we don't have much time we have to get out of here now!" Donie said running back upstairs as he looked at Roshi and Voltar fighting. They ran out the door but Donie stopped and turned around to tell Roshi they were safe. "Roshi were safe now come on let's get out of here!" Roshi didn't turn around and continued to fight Voltar not standing much of a chance. Voltar's hand turned into a blade once again and sliced Roshi in half. Voltar smiled demonically and laughed as he looked at Donie. "No one is gonna save you now boy!" He said. Donie saw Roshi's body fall to the floor and it felt like his own heart had been ripped out of his own chest. He looked down and ran away as fast as he could not looking back eventually catching up to the other two tears in his eyes. "Guys.. Voltar killed Roshi, and I know this time it really is my fault for going out there and thinking I could do whatever I wanted. I don't know what I was thinking and I almost got you two killed as well." William pat Donie on the back and walked with him. "Don't worry it's gonna be okay Donie, you just have to know that we aren't strong enough yet but someday we will be and when that day comes you can get revenge on Voltar for what he's done." The three boys had walked back to the temple and the Grand Titan was there waiting for them. "I am very disappointed in you three you have a lot to learn and you shouldn't be going out and doing things like that on your own. I'm not going to punish you this time but if I see you do something like this again I will!" The Grand Titan called over a new boy that the others had never seen before. "This is Oscar, his group was killed in the first attack and he will be joining your group." Oscar waved at the boys and shook their hands. He didn't talk much since he had just recently lost his friends. "Nice to meet you Oscar it's a pleasure to have you on our group." William said. Donie had went back into his room looking at the ceiling he couldn't stop thinking about the people he had failed.

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