The Indestructible Friend

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"So Osano, you said I'm one of your best friends?"

"Yes, are still doubting that?" Osano questions. He takes off his shoes and switched them to his indoor shoes. "I swear, baka, if you beg me to pour my emotions out here with everyone around, I'm going to--"

"No, No!" Hanako quickly denies, waving his hands a bit. "I'm just curious to know who your other best friends are, besides Nii-san and me. I never seen you buddy-buddy with anyone else."

"That's because he's not here." Osano hums a bit and looks around at the lockers, "He actually hasn't been here for a while. Then again he said it would be a few days till he came back..."

"Who?!" Hanako holds Osano's arm and shakes it a bit, "Who's this mystery best friend of yours?!"

"Let go of me, baka! I said he isn't her--"

"Yo, Osa!" A high pitched voice calls and both of them stop. Hanako didn't know how it happened, but one minute the voice is a few feet away and the next a shadow is towering over him. The black haired slowly turns around to see an almost a carbon copy of Osano with lighter orange hair and looking down at him with a closed eye smile.

Hanako shivers and whines, hugging Osano's arm tighter when he receives a glare from honey eyes and a voice that dropped 5 octaves. "Is this little guy bothering you?"

'Oh crap, I'm going to die.'

"What? Oh no, he's just..."Osano shakes Hanako off his arm and he immediately cowers behind him, "...being clingy as usual, but you don't need to hurt him. This is Taro's younger brother."

"Oh!" The dark and threatening aura quickly disappears and is replaced with a happy and cheerful one. "My mistake. I thought he was bothering you."

"Most do and it's great timing you showed up. We were just talking about you."

"Good things I hope~!."

"Rai," Osano drags a still petrified Hanako in front of him, "This is Hanako Yamada. Hanako, this is Raibaru Fumestu, one of my best friends."

"I-It's--" Hanako cleared his throat as it came out squeaky, he still shaken up at the first impression. "--it's nice to meet you, Fumestu-senpai."

"Fumestu-senpai?"Raiburu questions the title and Hanako thought he set him off, but Raiburu laughing and cupping his face to gently squish his cheeks proved the opposite. "Oh, Osa, you forgot to tell me he was so adorable and respectful~!"

"Because I don't think he's adorable. He's a pain in my ass I know that."


Hanako knew he was shorter than most guys his age and that didn't bother him until a high shelf comes into play. But never has he felt so small from being sandwiched between two gingers.

Hanako was able to get a closer look at Raiburu and saw the light orange hair was pulled back instead of the side and the scrunchie was like Osano's but light pink. Hanako could say that if Raiburu could pull off as Osano's double any day.

"So how did your tournament go, Rai?"

"Oh it was awesome and exciting, you should've been there, Osa!" Raiburu walks ahead a bit on the track, "I even took on two guys at one point. I may have gone a bit too far at one point by knocking someone's back tooth out--"

'He knocks out people's back teeth?'

"--but it wasn't that bloody. It was like PG-13 Mortal Kombat if they took out all the brutalities and fatalities."

'Mortal Kombat is still terrifying without those two things!'

"Awww, that does sound awesome." Osano whines at the missed opportunity. "Fumestu-senpai, what exactly do you do?" Hanako tries to push aside the first impression and get to know Osano's other best friend.

"If you're referring to a job, I don't have one. Buuutt..." Raiburu taps his chin as he walks backwards, "...I guess being the Martial Arts club leader counts as a previous job." Hanako gasps, "You were the previous leader before Masuta-senpai?"

"Yup~!" Raiburu confirms, "I know I probably don't look much like a fighter, but Osano will confirm." Hanako looked at Osano for confirmation. "Baka, why are looking at me like a kid wanting a bedtime story from their dad? Yeah he was the previous leader and he could kick my ass without breaking a sweat."

"Oh, Osa now you're flattering me."

"Flattering? It's true. Don't you remember the time we were in the store--"

Osano looked between the two bottles he was holding, playing eenie-meenie to decide whether to get them calpico or ramune. That was proving to be a bit difficult since they liked both. "Hey, Rai!"

A man's face is slammed into the ground. Raiburu plants a foot in his back and twists the arm back, making the man scream. "Now, didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders? I'm sure they did, but that lesson probably flew over your head."

"Rai!" Raibaru looks back at the drink section. "Yeah, Os--" The upperclassman feels the man trying to squirm away and nicely twists his wrist. "Stay. Yeah, Osa?!"

"Ramune or calpico?" Osano looks back and holds the two options, completely unfazed at hostile scene.

"Ummm..." Raiburu drops the arm and taps his chin before shrugging, "...why not both?"

Osano thinks it over, "Yeah...why the hell not? And Rai, maybe you should call the hospital."

"Oh, he'll be fine. I barely broke anything."

Raibaru laughs at the memory, "Oh those were fun times." Osano gives his a look, "Raiburu, that happened about the weekend before you left."

"It did?"

Hanako slows looks to side. This man can break people's bones and forgets he did it? How much power--

The sports team was not too far from the track and practicing baseball. One of the players hit the ball too far and out of bounds, flying right towards them. "Hey look out!"

'There's a disturbance in the peace.' A spark of lightning set off in Raiburu's head and he catches the ball without turning around. Raiburu turns around to throw it back, "Nice hit, guys!"

Hanako's jaw was to the floor and he kept shoving Osano's arm, "Di-Di-Did you see that, Osano?!" "Yes."

"He just--!" Hanako mimics catching a ball, "--and then he just--!" Hanako acted like he was throwing the ball back. "How...How does he do that?! Is he the living embodiment of a 'crouching badass'?"

"A crouching what?"

"A crouching badass," Hanako states, "Like he acts all innocent or an idiot, but he's really a living badass. Like that Shaggy meme--"

A hand covers Hanako's mouth, "I'm going to stop you right there, baka. Just go with the reason that he trained really hard."

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