Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning in my baby pink tank top and short shorts. I snuck downstairs to see if my dad was at home or not. Guess what? He was. Passed out on the coach. I sighed.

I make my way back upstairs into the bathroom and quickly hop into the shower. As I wash my body, I remember the places which Blake touched. As I wash my arms and thighs, I bite back a moan. God, the soap feels like him so much.

I hop out of the shower and start to get dressed. I put on a Hot Topic T-shirt, some lip-gloss and mascara. I make my way downstairs and grab a Pop Tart on my way out before I walk to school. I plug in my earphones and listen to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana.

As I walk, I'm suddenly hoisted into the air and bear-hugged from behind.

"Miss me?" A familiar gruff voice says.

"H-help!" I scream as I'm hoisted into the air before I'm placed down, oblivious to who picked me up.

"Help?" the gruff voice chuckles. "Now why would you want help when you've got me?" It continues before spinning my tiny frame around.

"Oh my god, BLAKE!" I squeal.

"Hey baby" Blake replies before spinning me around again like a ballerina.

"I missed you" I giggle as I push a tuft of hair behind my ear and look up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"I missed you too princess" he murmurs back before picking me up bridal style on the sidewalk.

"Blake..." I moan as I nuzzle my face into his neck.

Oh God, what's gotten over me? I couldn't stand this guy yesterday and now all I want to do is chill and vape with him. I sigh peacefully as I look lovingly into his eyes.

"You eaten baby?" He asks gently.

"No...I was just going to wait until lunch." I reply back shamefully. He places me down.

"What the heck? Why?" He asks, worry knitted all over his face.

"I..." I start off, debating on whether or not I should admit the truth.

"I mean, I did have a Pop Tart" I say hopefully as I try to calm him down.

"A Pop Tart? That's it? No way. Come on we're going to get breakfast" he says before he picks me up and places me onto his motorcycle and straps my helmet on for me.

"Wait, what about homeroom?" I stutter.

"What about it?" He smirks, before revving his engine and wheelieing the both of us off into the distance.

After a while, we pull up at iHop.

"Woah, this place is expensive" I say worryingly. Blake slings his arm around me as we walk in.

"Don't worry" he growls, "I got you."

I shiver. No boy had ever bought me a gift before.

We walk in and are taken to a booth. "I don't know what I want" I say nervously.

"Don't worry" Blake says again. "Didn't I say that I got you?"

I blush. He's so perfect.

As he walks towards the counter, I take out my phone and check my text messages. Shit. 30 texts from Chasity and 10 missed calls. Quickly, I run into the bathroom and lock the stall before dialing her number. I listen to the ring tone, my heart thumping harder at each ring.

"MIA?" Chasity screams down the phone.

"Hey Chas" I try to reply back as normally as possible. I instantly start sweating.

"Where the HELL have you been?" She screams down the phone - "I've been SO worried!" I nervously start to wipe my palms against my Hot Topic T-shirt.

"Yeah...y'know" I start to reply. I can't tell her the truth.

"I just had a bad night last night. That creep, Chase, tried to do stuff on me" I sigh.

"HUH? I swear I'm gonna ki-" Chasity starts, but I interrupt her.

"No, it's ok, someone saved me"

"Who?" she asks, confused.


"I didn't see" I reply. "I just ran out of there. I can't even remember how I got home" I ramble. "I don't really want to talk about it. Anyway, where are you?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

"Oh, I woke up late so I'm gonna play hooky. I might order breakfast" she says cheerfully.

"Oh okay, sweet" I sigh a breath of relief. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Sure thing sweetie" she chirps back before hanging up.

I exit the cubicle and take a look in the mirror again. My golden flecks in my eyes shine even brighter. I giggle to myself. I walk out of the bathroom and I hum along to Ariana Grande's - 'Break up with Your Boyfriend' as it plays through the iHop speakers. She's such a good singer.

As I walk to the booth, the table is covered with food. Pancakes, bacon, hash browns, beans.

"Wow" I say breathlessly.

"I had to make sure that my princess had enough to eat" Blake chuckles sexily.

"I don't think I can eat this much" I say, scared as I sit down.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. I'll always be here for you Mia" Blake replied, as he rubs his thumb on the top of my thigh.

"Thanks baby" I whisper back, smiling gently.

I put eggs, pancakes and beans onto my plate and quickly start eating as I shovel food into my mouth.

"Woah, you really are different" Blake says, impressed. "Most girls are too shy to eat in public, but I find it sexy."

"How about I challenge you some time?" I wink.

Blake smirked, but instantly his face fell. "Shit" he whispered.

"What happened?" I put my fork down worryingly.

"Duck" he whisper shouts.

"I don't understa-" I'm cut off short as Blake pushes my head underneath the table.

My heart pounds against my chest. It has to be Chasity. He wouldn't react like that if it was anybody else. I quickly scuffle further towards the wall where the booth is placed, pulling my knees close to my chest to stop my feet from getting spotted underneath.

I quickly swallow the last of the beans in my mouth and hold my breath. My heart pounds harder and faster as my body is drenched in sweat. And as I shut my eyes, I hear it. I hear the voice.

"Hey baby" a female voice chirps.

That voice isn't Chasity.

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