Chapter Twenty

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"No..." My voice breaks. "Jared... Blake's father?"

Mom looks up at me in shock. "You know him?"

I nod slowly. "Mom, his son is my boyfriend."

Mom stands up abruptly. "I remember him saying he had a son. He told me. He said he was a nasty piece of work. Mia, you need to get away from him before he hurts you like Jared hurt me."

I shake my head and pull my hands away. "No mom, I love him. He's my mate."

"Your...mate?" Mom says venomously. "No. I rebuke it" she grabs my hand. "You're coming with me Mia. We're leaving this town."

I pull my hand away from hers and take a few steps back. "No mom, he's different. He's brave and kind and strong. He's the opposite of Jared. He would never hurt me."

My mom shakes her head and starts pacing up and down. "I ran away thinking I was saving you but all I've done is make things worse. If I had stayed, you wouldn't have been tricked into falling for him, I could've helped you..."

She continues to ramble and pace back and forth. My heart beats faster as I begin to panic at the sight of this. My first time seeing her in years and she's a mess. She thinks Blake is like Jared when she's never met him. I need to act fast. I need to change the subject.

"Why did you come back into my life now?" I ask. She stops pacing and looks at me. She looks down at the ground, confused.

"I'm not sure Mia. I haven't seen you for years but today I just felt something. Something tugging at me. So I followed it and I saw you. I didn't even recognize you at first, you looked so grown up. But I saw those two boys walking closer to you and I knew something was wrong. So I warned you telepathically. I couldn't shout or else they'd hear me."

I stare at her as she continues to explain. She didn't recognize me? My own mother? How couldn't she recognize her own child?

"But Mom, maybe this is a sign. Maybe you can help. Me and Blake are going to take down Jared and another guy called Chase. They've already killed a girl who helped me. They need to be stopped. Those guys you saw would've taken me back to them, but they didn't because you helped me." I pleaded with Mom. "No one I've met has been able to telepathically communicate. Read minds? Yes. Communicate? No. You're special Mom. This all happened for a reason. Perhaps this all happened to you so you could help us."

She looked at me for a few moments. "Jared is still hurting people?" She asked quietly.


"And his son - Blake...he's trying to stop him? You really think he's different?" She continued cautiously.

"Yes. He is. I promise"

She sighed and looked at me. "Ok. I believe you. I'll help you. What do I have to do?"

I smile at her. I've got my mom back. Finally.

I sit her down and explain everything. Jasper's party. Blake saving me. The beef with Chasity. Noah's accident. Chase's deal with Blake. Luna's sacrifice. Jared's influence. The meeting at 12. At the end of it, she nods.

"I understand. I'll be there for you...and Blake" she says with a gentle smile. I burst into tears and hug her. I then take her hand and we leave the house.

"Oh, by the way" I ask as we leave. "What is this place?"

My mom smiles at me. "It's mine. I built it after I went into hiding. It's a bit shoddy but it's home...maybe one day you could come and live with me. You and Noah."

I smile and hold her hand tighter. "I think we'd like that" I say. "I know I really would."

We continue to walk aimlessly as we continue to talk about anything and everything. After a few minutes, we realise that we're lost.

"I'm trying to find out where Blake is, but I don't know where we are anymore" I say hopelessly.

"Maybe I can sniff him out" Mom replies. I look at her with my eyebrow raised.

"You can sniff him out...? How?" I ask.

"Well, all I have to do is smell something he last touched. Just like a regular dog" she replies. "Do you have something I can sniff?"

I start to think back to the last thing Blake touched. Suddenly my mouth goes dry as I remember the last words he said when he touched me.

"It's Morphing Time" I repeat in my head.

I blush and look down at my crotch. That technically was the last thing he touched. I look back at my Mum and quickly begin to imagine clouds. She can't know what I'm thinking.

"Darn, I don't" I reply back sheepishly. My mom raises an eyebrow before shrugging.

As we continue to walk, I hear a voice shouting my name again.

"Mia! Mia!" The voice echoed from a distance but it gets closer.

"Mia!" I hear it yell again. I know that voice.

I quickly turn around and see Blake running towards me.

"Baby!" I scream.

I jump into Blake's arms and he swings me around bridal style before passionately kissing me.

"I missed you" he growled. Instead of blushing, I growl back and nibble on the tip of his nose. He turns to look at my mom and screw his eyebrows together. "Who is this Mia?" He asks cautiously, holding me tighter.

I smile and jump out of his arms. "Blake, this is my mom. Mom, this is Blake." I say cheerfully. "She's here to help us."

Both of them shake each other's hand warily. They don't trust each other yet.

"Didn't you say your mom was dead Mia?" Blake asks confused.

"You have your dad to thank for that" Mom replies back angrily as she remembers the past.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll deal with him" Blake says reassuringly. Mom says nothing.

I quickly change the subject and turn to Blake. "I've told the pack. They'll meet us at 12. What's the plan for when they arrive?" I ask.

"We're going to surround the place. Me and a few others will go and find out where Chase is. He'll be awake, planning. Not asleep. No, he'll be too alert to. Especially since he probably knows that you're gone. Once we find and deal with Chase, we do the same to Jared. Chase's pack will then seek mercy and align with mine. Boom. Everybody wins, except those two."

I nod my head and smile. "That sounds like a good plan, you're so smart baby."

"Oh yeah? Well how about we finish what we started befor-"

"AHEM" my mom coughs. We quickly pull away from one another and look at the ground.

"Sorry ma'am" Blake murmurs. My mom scoffs. What's her problem? He hasn't done anything wrong. Just because she doesn't have a man anymore doesn't mean she's holier than thou.

"The plan sounds good. I'll meet you two at 12" my mom replies back bluntly. Why is she acting so weird all of a sudden?

I give her a kiss goodbye and wave as she makes her way back through the woods. I turn to Blake and give him a peck.

"So, what do we do now?" I ask. Blake smirks and licks my lips.

"Oh, I think you know what we're about to do now" he growls before unveiling his Excalibur Dicktacular.

"Ooooh" I whisper.


I kissed Mia on the cheek before waving goodbye as I made my way back to the cabin. As I stepped back inside, I made sure to lock and bolt the door. I then made my way down into the basement and locked the door behind me. I sat down at the desk and opened up the planner to the page with the list on it.

'LEARN MIA AND BLAKE'S PLAN' was written. I made sure to tick it.

'GAIN TRUST OF MIA' was written underneath. I ticked that too.

'COMPLETE MISSION' was last and underlined in red. I looked at it intensely before closing my planner.

It wasn't time yet. But it was fast approaching.

I was going to complete this mission one way or another and never come back.

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