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I may not be the happiest,
But I'm not the saddest.

I may not be the strongest,
But I'm not the weakest.

I may not be the cleverest,
But I'm not the dumbest.

I may not be the richest,
But I'm not the poorest.

I may not be a hard-working person,
But I'm not lethargic.

I may not be the brightest,
But I'm not the darkest.

I may not be the most handsome,
But I'm not the ugliest.

I may not be the most successful,
But I'm not a failure.

I may not be victorious,
But I'm not a loser.

I may not be free,
But I'm not captive.

I may not be open-minded,
But I'm not narrow-minded.

I may not be good,
But I'm not evil.

I may not be innocent,
But I'm not sinful.

I may not be an angel,
But I'm not the devil.

I may not be a beautiful soul,
But I'm not the opposite.

I may not be pure,
But I'm not dirty.

I may not be witty,
But I'm not silly.

I may not be serious,
But I'm not frivolous.

I may not be the wisest,
But I'm not the stupidest.

I may not be creative,
But I'm not unimaginative.

I may not be okay today,
But I will be tomorrow.

My past may not be good,
But my future will be.

Life may not be easy,
But one day it will.

Hell may not be a great place,
But heaven it sure is.


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