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You know, you tell me how ugly I am, you even put me on the top twenty list. And you didn't even put me first. And my mother always said "My girl always gets first on everything.". I have a question for you, have you looked in an x-ray vision mirror? I sure haven't. But I bet if it was turned on you all I would see is that on the inside, you're as ugly as what you believe me to be.

I've seen some of the photos you take. And I mean seriously? Come on. Five hundred shots? Twelve layers of makeup? Eight different filters? Really? You think that makes you pretty? Well, I've got to be honest with you. You are a lot prettier without all of that. Take a shot, a natural one. See how many likes you get on that. If you get none, I'm sorry.

God! What is wrong with this generation? More hung up on how many likes you get on Instagram rather than who likes you in real life. Do you really think how many followers you have is more important than how many true friends you have? If you do, honestly, get a life. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

You have so many friends, but how many do you trust? How many would you trust to keep a secret? I don't think it would be a lot. I have a lot. I know they would stand up for me and have my back if I got into a fight. How many of your friends would do that? None? Wow I'm so surprised! That was sarcasm by the way. I've heard about how you bully your friends and talk behind their back, no wonder they wouldn't stand up for you.

You play the fool to get the guy, you act so nice to the people you meet then bitch behind their back as they walk away. You think this is cool? You think this is funny? Grow up and stop embarrassing yourself. Actually, stop embarrassing all of us. Because while you may be the one saying it, I, no we, are the ones getting the backlash.

You called us names like dog, cow and try hard. Like fat, lazy and teacher's pet. You called us all of these just to get our attention, to make us cry. You never realized you made us stronger because we gathered in a group and rallied our forces. We are stronger than ever, with a quiver full of retorts and bandages to get us through your thorns of hate. We are not hurt and will not be molded by the names you call us, and we never will be.

We try to cover ourselves up with makeup and bandaids and music and you do all this 'to make us feel lonely but really out of all of us here the loneliest person is you. So please don't judge me for who I am because you don't know who I am. You have an opinion of who I am but that is just the image of me, the one you have created in your head. Be honest with yourself do you really know me, or my friends? No. No, you don't, and you never will because you never gave us a chance.

All I'm saying is, who really is the ugly one?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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