divine beast vah radania

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This page contains information on the main quest - Divine Beast Vah Rudania, including get to and complete the Divine Beast dungeon.

Speaking with the Goron Boss Bludo, you'll learn that the Divine Beast has gone crazy as of late, making a mess of , driving the Goron workers down to the lower mines, and attacking the city. Bludo has been using a cannon to fight back but the Divine Beast keeps coming - and now he needs to find his assistant Yunobo who went to the nearby Abandoned North Mine to find painkillers to Bludo. That's where you come in.

Skip to - Head to the Abandoned Mine
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Video Guide: Find Yunobo

With flameproof gear or in hand, leave the from the northern hills and pass Shae Mo'sah Shrine as you go up to the mines.

There are more Rock Octoroks waiting on the path here, so be ready with Remote Bombs to shut them up. As you round the bend and get a good look at the lava fields of , you'll spot a large cannon and a Goron who isn't your target.

Speak to Drak, and learn that Yunobo was heading off to a vault in the middle of the that's surrounded by - and you'll be warned that the area is even hotter than where you are now. That's right - even hotter. Which means that just one piece of or just one Flameproof Elixir won't cut it. Either two pieces or use an Elixir plus an piece to survive from here on out.

To get across the Abandoned North Mine in the middle of , you'll need to carefully cross the islands infested with by using the geysers to soar across with your . However, before you go, check out the cannon by the entrance. You can put a round Remote Bomb inside, and smack the lever with a weapon to orient it at a on a platform, then detonate to send a cannon ball launching in his directions.

Now paraglide down to where you shot the Lizalfos and use the cannon here to take out the two waiting to ambush you with fire arrows further up.

You'll have to cross over a gap straight into enemy fire - so use the gust to get around them and veer right to find a cannon you can use to take them out - plus another watchtower to the right. In fact, if you put a bomb in and hit the lever, you can fire midway to blow up a boulder hiding ore. Head up the path and run past the next two snipers to the next cannon by gliding across the lava to a high platform. They won't be precisely on target so you'll have to detonate while changing the canon position.

Take out the sniper in front of the giant skull and glide on over to the next platform.

There's a large wooden structure with a canon to the left that's your next target, as you can demolish the entire thing with the canon. You can then move the canon right to destroy a boulder that releases another vent, and use it to glide up to the highest canon that you can use you to destroy the boulder blocking the vault.

This will free Yunobo, who you can meet as you enter the vault. He'll thank you and rush off to deliver the painkillers - letting you raid the vault for , , and two chests holding a purple rupee and 10 Ice Arrows.

Returning to Bludo

When you return to the Goron Boss Bludo, he'll reward you for your efforts with 3 Flameproof elixers, and mention the Goron Champion, Daruk. Seeing Daruk carved into the mountain will cause link to remember another memory of his time with the Goron Champion on the Divine Beast.

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