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The audition for the drama club was held by one of the members of the student council. A short man with long, silver hair tied in a ponytail. Naib and Eli were slightly surprised at the thought of another student council member being in charge but then realized, 'right, they're our seniors.' The audition started a little while ago and five students so far have finished their turns. Eli didn't know if the students were doing good as the student council member just watched every performance with a straight face. After every student finished their performance, Eli's nervousness just gets worse.

"Yo! How's the audition going?" A familiar voice suddenly popped from behind and both Naib and Eli stared at their friend with annoyed faces. "What's up? Did I miss anything?" William asked his two friends.

"Does it kill you to ask in a normal way?" Helena interrupted and kicked William's shin. "You're too loud."

"Ouch! Okay okay, sorry about that." William replied, while massaging his shin. He looked at his two friends and asked the same question from earlier.

Eli sighed. "Well, I'm not sure if it's going well but Mister Straight Face over there isn't saying anything." He said, while pointing at the student council member.

"Oh, Joseph? I heard he's hard to please. Some guys say that he's a perfectionist." Helena said.

William patted Eli's shoulder and said, "You don't have to scare him Helena. You can do it dude!"

If that didn't make Eli more nervous, then he doesn't know what did. He just released another sigh and then was suddenly surprised by the sudden warmth coming from his left hand. He looked at his hand and saw Naib holding tightly, giving him a look of assurance and suddenly, all of his nervousness died out for a moment. This is what he needed.

"Alright, next 2 participants may now head at the backstage and get ready." Joseph announced. It was Eli's and another student's turn. Eli looked for the other student and saw a guy wearing a face mask heading to the same destination as him.

As they arrived at the backstage, Eli tried to peek and see the student on stage currently performing. He was up next and he is trying to find a way to relax, but let's be real, this isn't helping him at all. He held his left arm and gave it a squeeze, as if trying to tell himself that he should calm down. Eli was shocked when someone grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at the person's direction. His eyes met with listless ones and both of them just stared at each other. 'Ah, it's the guy after me. What is he doing anyway?' Eli thought. The sound of a bell interrupted their staring contest and that means it's Elis turn. As he removed the other's hands from his shoulders, he told the other, "Um, excuse me, it's time for me to go there."

The other student gave him a nod and a pat on the shoulder. "Relax" was what he told Eli. After that, the student went back, while Eli stared for a moment and then went on stage. He thought of the other student as a weird guy. Not the bad kind of weird guy, but the good kind. He didn't expect to have that kind of interaction with a stranger. Stranger? Right, he forgot to ask for the other's name. He might as well ask and thank him later. Eli did relax from that because he wasn't expecting it. Right now, all he has to do is do his best in front of everyone.

The moment Eli walked up on stage, Naib's face lit up a bit. He was excited to watch his best friend's performance because it must be one in a million kind of Eli. He knows that Eli rarely shows a change of expression and he was indeed surprised at the thought of Eli joining the drama club. This means that once Eli is in the drama club, he'll get to see different versions of his best friend. Just the thought of that made him smile because he knows that Eli is a very shy boy and tends to put a cold front to other people. Naib looked at his friend's face and smiled wider seeing that he is completely relaxed on stage. After his introduction to everyone, he positioned himself and suddenly changed his expression.

If the thought of Eli joining the drama club shocked Naib, then Eli's performance shocked him more. From the very shy boy Eli to multiple Eli's, his best friend was in his own world. To other people, it may seem weird because all you can see is one person talking to himself. But to people like Naib, that is something you don't see everyday.

While Naib is being a fanboy, his other friends took it in a different way. William was all over the place, laughing at whatever Eli does because apparently, it's funny to him. Helena was amused because she didn't think that such a shy boy would suddenly be all comedic in an instant. And Servais giving a light chuckle every now and then because somehow, Eli is funny.

After his performance, Eli looked at Joseph, trying to find a sign that would he got accepted, but all he got from his senior is just a nod and suddenly went back to the application forms. He looked at his friends and all of them gave him a thumbs up, giving him a sign that he did well. A smile went up from his lips and then he walked down the stage. Before heading to where his friends are, he looked up on stage and saw the other student who was with him a while ago. The other student noticed him and Eli gave him a thumbs up. He gave Eli a smile, faced in front of the audience and started with his introduction.

"Hello everyone, I am Aesop Carl from the Science Department."



If you have reached this point, I would like to say that I love you for reading this book. XD 

I hope the flow of the story is still okay because I want to give justice to Eli since he is also best boy in this story together with Naib (uwu Aaaand since Aesop is here, who do you think is his One True Love?  OWO 

Anyway, sorry if I always do updates in an untimely manner but don't worry!! I will finish this book~ XD 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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