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The same night

Boys group

Jughead- i don't want to cause trouble in the group but it's hard seeing betty chatting and things

Archie- we understand !!

Kevin- yeah man, just know we love you

Jughead- i know

Reggie- it Will all be right men

SP- ow jughead come on men

Jughead- but please be there for Betty!! She loves you Guys!!

Kevin- we Will for both of you

Archie- Kevin is right

Kevin- i always aM

Fangs- it will be akward at First but it Will all turn out just like it needs to be bro

Jughead- ♥️

Kevin- okay men

Jughead- i need to go. See you Guys later.

Archie- where?

Jughead- Toledo visiting my mom with my dad. I was supposed to say here for Betty and our date night but yeah you know the rest

Reggie- see you later

Fangs- call us when you come back to school.!

Meanwhile in the girls group

Josie- we're here for you Betty

Cheryl- yeah if you need to talk or something.

Veronica- or do something stupid

Toni- hahahah

Betty- yeah let's do something stupid. Go to a party or something and get drunk. But really drunk

Josie- i like that

Veronica- yyesssss B

Betty- tonight Greendale??

Veronica- i aM in !!!

Josie- i can't next time girls

Toni- i aM joining bitches

Cheryl- comeee comme partyyyyy

Betty- okay but Toni don't forget to be there for Jughead. You are now the girl in his life.

Toni- i Will but i aM here for you too!

Betty- i know !! Xxx

Betty- tonight limo at ten at my placceeee

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