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Group chat kids

Archie- okay i am really sorry and i miss you all

Toni- i think it's okay just give everyone the time they need to forgive you and please become smart

Archie- okay toni, thank you

Sp- i don't hate you

Fangs- same

Toni- same

Cheryl- i hate everyone except TT

Toni- not helping

Kevin- i accept your apology

Archie- but?.?

Kevin- what ?

Archie- no let it go

Veronica- i accept your apology but i don't want you back.

Betty- i accept it too arch, lets forget the past

Jughead- i can not be your be your best friend again like this but we will grow and learn again

Toni- woah everyone is getting more adult

Cheryl- still hate everyone

Kevin- except her

Betty- kev shut up

Fangs- and i oop

Sp- okay bye going to kill him now

Reggie- i'll help you

Fangs- noooooooooo

Jughead- than shut your mouth.

Kevin- i can help you with that;)

Fangs- coming over kevvv x

Veronica- disgusting

Betty- hahahaha

Jughead- okay i want that too

Regie- same

Archie- same
Sp- same

Toni- okay boys just suck yourself

Reggie- we can't

Sp- doesn't work

Toni- you tried?

Sp- no

Jughead- ofc not

Reggie- yes

Reggie-* no

Archie- even i didn't

Veronica- hahaha caught reggie

Betty- grosssssss

Cheryl- work that pussyyyyy

Toni- give me thattttt

Cheryl left the chat

Toni left the chat

Fangs- OOOOO

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