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Chat between Betty and jughead

Betty- jughead can you please answer me

Betty- i know you saw my message

Betty- i aM like even desperate as you Jug. I still love you and i hope we can work things out i miss you

Jughead- yeah you're desperate kissing someone else on a party ...

Betty- you missunderstood. I didn't Kiss anyone. I almost kissed V but that is all.

Jughead- how can i believe you?

Betty- because i love you and i aM not over you and i know you aren't either

Jughead- okay let's start with talking

Betty- i think we can be back together after Some explanation and maybe Some rules?

Jughead- yeah good idea? Okay one other boys

Betty- i love it that you're jealous but you can't wish to kill them when they talk to me. I aM only yours Jug.

Jughead- okay but it is like a feeling i Will try to act normal and stuff but yeah i just can't stand that they can experience what is mine.

Betty- Jug, they can experience a little bit of me, me in clothes. You experience a lot more...

Jughead- i Will keep that in mind bit then you can't act surprised if i aM horny after you talk to another boy.

Betty- i can accept that..

Jughead- second thing- distance

Betty- maybe Some date nights ? Like every Sunday at lunchtime

Jughead- i think that is good and let's say one week your place another mine ?

Betty- yeah that is good.

Jughead- i know something that is better ?!

Betty- ????

Jughead- in one month i can start in Riverdale high ...

Betty- don't make jokes Jones. If this isn't true i aM going to be so mad.

Jughead- it isn't a Joke babe. I aM going to your school. Babe

Betty- yes yes yes yes yes yes yes owww i aM crying i love you

Jughead- are you so emotional babe?

Betty- yeah you know Why

Jughead- owww she is visiting ?!

Betty- yeah😕😕

Jughead- i wish i could come to cuddle you. X

Betty- me too x but when are you coming back? C


Jughead- one month ... i aM going here to school for one month and then i come to riverdale high.

Betty- what ??!!! I can't miss you that long ...

Jughead- i know but Tomorrow is Sunday at that is lunchdate so i am coming on my motorcycle!

Betty- from Toledo? That is so far babe xx

Jughead- but we need to win against the distance. Xx

Betty- you Made me cry again... x

Jughead- ow and one thing... Tomorrow i aM going to ask a beautiful girl on lunchdate to be my girlfriend so maybe she can Prepare an answer xx

Betty- 🤭 ohhh that is sweet

Chat toni and jughead

Jughead- t can you do something for me ?!

Toni- ow so you're still alive ?!

Jughead- yeah yeah but please ?

Toni- what is it ?

Jughead- Betty needs chocolate ICE Cream, milka chocolate with caramel and Some like salty chips. I Will transfer Some money to you if you can get it and bring it?!

Toni- okay i aM now going to the store!!

Jughead- are you transferring to riverdale high too?

Toni- yes in a month i got the mail too. And sp and Fangs also

Jughead- yess

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